Rock bottom gets worse

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Lol you edited it. It made me laugh! ?

Posted : 2nd June 2020 10:09 pm
Posts: 3947


Posted : 2nd June 2020 10:20 pm
Posts: 3947

Lively I will be on chat tonight but am very low on data so if I run out I will be in there tomorrow night as my data restarts at midnight tonight 

Stephen x 

Posted : 3rd June 2020 6:42 pm
Posts: 3947

Hello Lively hope you have had a pleasant and relaxing evening.

It was good to see you in the chatroom earlier. I do like the chatroom though it can sometimes be very sad but there are success stories as well which makes me happy.

Looking forward to Saturday when I can celebrate and congratulate you on 100 Days GF. I am very proud of you.


Nite nite sweet dreams

Stephen x x x 

Posted : 3rd June 2020 10:25 pm
Posts: 3947

The rain has stopped, the sky is clear and a beautiful full moon is lighting up the southern skies.

Lively you are rapidly approaching 100 Days GF and it is a joy for me to see that the moon has come out. Together we will applaud your excellent progress.

How cool is that ??‍♀️?


Stephen x x x 

6 Minutes & counting 


This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 5th June 2020 10:53 pm
Posts: 3947

? ? ?   Congratulations Lively on 100 Days Gamble Free  ? ?  ?

You have done really well my friend. I am very proud of you and greatly admire the courage, determination and resilience you have shown.

Wishing you every happiness as you continue on your life changing adventure.


Stephen x x x  ? ? ?

Posted : 5th June 2020 11:06 pm
Posts: 403
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Awww thank you Stephen for your sweet messages and ongoing support. I have just been stood looking at the moon and took a few pictures. I decided to upload one as my profile picture, although it doesn’t do it justice. 

I can’t believe in some ways I have reached 100 days. Had a very up and down day today, with lots of mixed emotions. Feeling slightly sad at the moment so not really in the mood for celebrating. Maybe tomorrow.

Despite feeling exhausted, I have decided to set up camp on the sofa, have stuck something in the microwave as I haven’t eaten today and am going to binge watch some tv until the early hours of the morning. Grateful it’s the weekend and I don’t have to set an alarm for silly o clock and will start working whenever I roll out of bed, whatever time that may be. 

Thank you for being such a great support - you are a truly wonderful person. 

Sweet dreams Stephen. 

Lively x


Posted : 5th June 2020 11:29 pm
Posts: 372

Hi lively well done on your 100 days you are one special lady and I hope to catch you later so enjoy your sat afternoon and here  is a non banana cake ????❤️? scotty enjoy 

Posted : 6th June 2020 1:14 pm
Posts: 414

Well done my friend you've done amazing so far 100 days unless your a problem gambler you don't get the importance and determination It takes to achieve such an amazing amount off even one day when you've got money in your pocket.  You keep up the good work and enjoy a brilliant gamble free life 

Posted : 6th June 2020 5:17 pm
Posts: 372

Well what a night 100 days of celebrations cake yellow cards Wine fruit drinks and we are still in lockdown god knows what would happen if we were all aloud out Stephen the rebel aka James dean leading the way and talking in native tongue well we had A great night Well done on this milestone take care of yourself your friend scotty ?❤️❤️?

Posted : 6th June 2020 8:43 pm
Posts: 3947

Hello Lively. 

Hope you are feeling better today.

Thinking of you and sending healing vibes.


Love and best wishes.

Stephen x 

Posted : 8th June 2020 3:16 pm
Posts: 403
Topic starter

Firstly, thank you to everyone who posted and congratulated me on reaching 100 days - it meant a lot!

Scotty, your message made me smile and yes, chat was really great that evening especially as it both you and Stephen were there, along with lots of other wonderful gamcare friends. 

Stephen, thank you for your lovely messages and shouting it from the rooftops - you seemed happier about it then me ?. Also have birds stuck in my head since the other day - ? ?? - that really made me laugh, even though maybe I shouldn’t have found it funny and couldn’t resist bringing out my little wooden spoon. I’m happy you liked my suggestions the other day and hope you share one of your walk inspired poems. ?

Stace - Thank you for your well wishes, it really meant a lot especially when you’re having a tough time so a genuine big thank you ❤️

Kev - thank you for your kind and positive words. I hope to see you around the forum some more.

Day 102.

Not much to report other then still gamble free and reaping the benefits as each day passes so I’m happy. Still not feeling great but feel a little better than yesterday although I did sleep most of Sunday away. Was back on the gruelling work schedule today as it won’t wait until I get better. Still, not long and I can have some time off. 

Hope everyone has a gf Tuesday.




Posted : 8th June 2020 11:01 pm
Posts: 3947

Ha ha Lively your last post brought a happy smile to my face ?. 

The reason I shouted "Lively 100 Days GF" from the rooftops was because I couldn't hire an advertising blimp ??.

Pleased you felt a little better yesterday and trust you have continued to improve today. 

I did like your suggestion regarding having a project when out walking ?. For my first project I have been admiring the sky and all the beautiful colours and shapes of the clouds. I have written about it on my diary this afternoon.


Wishing you every happiness over the coming days.

Stephen x x x 



Posted : 9th June 2020 9:43 pm
Posts: 21

Hi livelysoul

i just first want to congratulate you for going past 100 days 

I myself will hit 100 days tomorrow 

I just looked through your diary and I was so pleased you had to courage to make that first step with your daughter that must of been one of the hardest thing you probably have ever done. And is probably your driving force to be so strong 

can I also say how incredible your daughter is for being so calm and taking it on the chin to pay rent etc 

I just wanted to say well done and keep up the good work



Posted : 9th June 2020 10:34 pm
Posts: 1013

So pleased for all of you hitting 100 days so awesome. I'm day 6 today and I'm chuffed with that !!

Posted : 10th June 2020 3:08 pm
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