Morning, Glint,
Well, it's good that you got a card! Somebody appreciates you.
Was it a lottery ticket or something? I get that it matters to you to avoid all types of gambling but my advice would be not to be too hard on yourself. For example, it's hardly the same as desperately driving 30 miles to the nearest bookies/casino that you're not excluded from. Can you gently explain (after a suitable time lapse and as casually as possible) why it's not the perfect gift for you?
Morning Glint , just wanted to say I think your doing just fine my friend , as the old saying goes "if it aint broke don't fix it " your on track with recovery , with the added bonus of all the support you give to others is outstanding , so a very well done indeed !
All the best for a great day and deep respect my friend !.
As above...Don't beat yourself up about it & good to see you have not used it as a green light to self destruction. I think that is proof itself of your strength & how far you have come 🙂
Please don't be put off by my epic fail with the counsellor...I went purely because I hoped she would have an understanding of sleep disorders! Suffice to say had I been there for any other reason, I probably would be going back but I'm the sort of person who'll tap someone on the shoulder on the train if I have woes to share so seems fairly pointless to go see her for a 'chat' when there are people that she may be able to help, waiting for her services.
No scented candles in our house but that App was fab (thanks)! Can only really use it when I'm in the pit alone & I absolutely love 'Melody' but o*g, what is the white noise all about?!? It reminds me of the telly when I was little!
Keep fighting, keep winning Glint - ODAAT
Hi Glint , just popped by to see how your doing , no worries mate but you'd gone a bit quiet so I hope everything's ok with you ! Take care.........Alan
Hello Glint , thanks for popping by ! .
I'd just noticed your day counter is back to day one so I'm assuming you had a wobble ? , if I'm wrong I apologise and maybe going down the wrong path , however you said on your post to me about gambling being your escape and your totally right , it was for me and I think thats the reason most of us do it , weather it be through boredum , stress , or other issues that life throws at us , also that hope of earning an easy living from something that begins as pleasure is very alluring to us but unfortunately those feelings of comfort and hope soon desert us as the Compulsive behaviour takes hold and well, you know the rest !.
I won't go on anymore because obviously I don't know if were on the same page here at the moment but just to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope to speak to you soon my friend !.
Best wishes .......Alan
My smartphone I post with is PAYG, I have a bit of free data each month if I can afford to put credit on, this went fast last month. I had a bit left over but had only been on this site and browsing the App Store. Going to need data to look for places to live. I've done my absolute best since I've been here. I'll keep trying to, but will be a bit quieter than I have been.
Don't worry.
I'll try to keep posting as much as I can.
If my situation improves...
I'll let you know.
Hai Glint, I like your honest posts, Thankyou. Also, i've just learned how to copy and paste on my phone, so Thankyou again. I'm going to share a post dayatatime ( Dan ) put on his thread....
This is the complete story my friend was relating to us last night. Its called An Addict Fell In A Hole.
​ An addict fell in a hole and couldn't get out. A businessman went by and the addict called out for help. The businessman threw him some money and told him to buy himself a ladder. But the addict could not buy a ladder in this hole he was in. A doctor walked by. The addict said. Help me I can't get out. The doctor gave him some pills and said, take these it will relieve the pain. The addict said, thanks but when the pills ran out he was still in the hole. A psychiatrist rode by and heard the addicts cries for help. He stopped and asked. How did you get get there? Were you born there? Did your parents put you there? Tell me about yourself, it will alleviate your sense of loneliness. So the addict talked with him for an hour, then the psychiatrist had to leave, but he said he'd be back next week. The addict thanked him, but he was still in the hole. A priest came by. The addict called for help. The priest gave him a bible and said, I will say a prayer for you. He got down on his knees and prayed for the addict. The addict was very grateful, he read the bible, but he was still stuck in the hole. A recovering addict happened to be passing by. The addict cried out, hey can you help me I'm stuck in this hole. Right away the recovering addict jumped down in the hole with him. The addict said, what are you doing now we are both stuck here. But the recovering addict said. Calm down. It's ok. I've been here before. I know how to get out.
I will be coming back at you with your thoughts above, but for now have a good day...
Modern re telling of the Good Samaritan. Don't we all need a bit of help sometimes?
Hi Glint , sorry your in this predicament buddy but checking a lottery ticket that you didn't even buy wouldn't constitute gambling in my book , I don't know if you feel more strongly than I but had you gone out and bought the thing that would be different ?.
I certainly wouldn't be setting my day count back to zero , thats for sure !
In dealing with youre money issues , obviously I don't know the whole picture or about the state of your income as thats a personel matter but are you not able to clain any sort of benefit , maybe a working tax credit or if your rent is going to go up significantly then some sort of help or income support ? Or maybe look at reducing repayments of any debt you may have ?.
As I said I don't know what position your in so I'm just clutching at straws here and throwing a few thing out there , life has a habit of kicking us when were down Glint , it just seems to be the way it works sometimes but with your strength of character that youv'e displayed through your post's and from what youv'e told us about the difficulties that youv'e overcame through life so far , I'm sure you'll find a way out my friend .
I'm sorry I don't have a magic answer that would help you more Glint and the only thing I can really offer is support when your on here but if you just want to chat or to talk things over ? , then anytime my friend !.
Stay positive and talk with you soon buddy !
Respect .............................Alan
Hai Glint, When i said in my earlier post that i'll get back to you, i just realised i didn't need to as the good man Alan has pretty much said it.
I get your point regarding the lottery but i get Alans point more and your putting a negative there when it should be a positive. As long as each day your looking after yourself and doing your best, i believe good things will come. Your record of £0 is enough to keep your day count up. My humble opinion.
I've spent a lifetime putting myself down and i've been fortunate, so i also get where your coming from. Yet between the lines of your posts and support i can sense a strong spirit. I can see theres a good mind between your ears, as for courses! Free ones are out there, its a case of scratching and asking the right people.
Keep away from the gambling and build them days up and the further down the road you go, things will fall into place. I really dont want to come across as being flippant in anyway. My conclusion is coming from reading this strong, clever mans words.
I wish you well...
ps... have a look at the contract phone, i think if you shop around, you may be surprised. Theres no responsibility involved, just character building. Keep doing your best bud
Hi Glint , thanks for popping over and I think your right it was a fine post and thank you ! How are you my friend anything new on the horizon?
Apologies I'm not on the forum as much.
My gambling past is making everything very difficult for me now.
Let that be the lesson of this post for anyone who reads this.
Very disappointed, I had been working hard this week to turn things around. Maybe too hard. Felt I needed a break.
Know what went wrong, why and will be making sure it doesn't happen again.
I need to start to believe in myself rather than gambling.
Think it might be that I'm starting to care about my life. Hello Glint, that line jumped out to me. Your slowly jumpimg out of your comfort zone, with which ' comfort zone ' isnt the most appropiate wording, but none the less its a scary place to go.
You've made progress since you've been here and thats something you need to keep reinforcing in your head as hard as it may seem. Isolation is a place no one should be at and i wonder whether thats something you've looked at. I've crossed the GA/AA threshold 3 random times in the past 3 years but it's something i'm definitely going to cross. Being with people who's very much have travelled similar paths is what i would imagine and read a good place to be.
Breathe and believe...
A line fom Cardhue.... It's not fear that holds people back-it is their attitude towards it that keeps them stuck
Hey Glint, rubbish that you gambled but as V highlighted...What amazing progress 🙂
I wanted to post when you planned on wearing pyjamas to your next job interview (now that really would be stepping out if your comfort zone into the limelight)...But I didn't have anything productive to suggest. Then I wanted to post again when you said about the landlord selling up but I felt too guilty as I am doing the same to my lovely tenant! I even wanted to post to ask you if you wanted to trade email addresses so that I could print out stuff for you but strikes me you're not used to being 'mothered' & may not be entirely comfortable with the idea?
Today I am posting to say how proud I am that you will not be making the same mistakes again 🙂
Only you can make things better & by working hard towards change, you will get there - ODAAT
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