
111 Posts
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Thank you for dropping by my diary and glad you enjoyed my ramblings. I feel I was suppressed for many years by the gambling that it shut down my sense of humour, now I'm gf it's like I've been reborn, Mr G had me under the thumb, well no more he's out of my life forever, thank you again and I hope life is treating you well x

Posted : 7th November 2016 7:12 pm
Posts: 0

Thank you, I hope you are well and staying safe and positive x

Posted : 7th January 2017 12:46 am
Posts: 832

Hi G

Just read your post. Sorry you haven't been feeling great.

Thanks for your post to me a while back. I am often moved by your posts, whether to me or others.

It always seems like you do a remarkable job of putting yourself in the other's shoes, and then applying your considerable wisdom, as well as wry humour. Can't ask for more than that in a post and in a person.

I found your post to Paul helpful about the need for motivation. The flip side of 'should-ing', without any sense of purpose just sets us up for more feelings of failure when we fail the shoulds

I feel there is not much I can offer you. One thing would be - when in a difficult place, break the goals into smaller ones. Much much smaller, as needs be. Just committing to a small step can get you moving in the right direction. And it's all about the journey. Right?

ACT taught me about acting according to very clearly defined values. I think that's a helpful way of giving purpose to our lives.

Best wishes


Posted : 28th January 2017 8:03 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

Hi glint, I've left a reply to your message on my thread.
Stay safe, keep positive. Never forget you are worthy of so much more x

Posted : 4th February 2017 10:50 am
Posts: 0

Hello Glint.

How's things in the world of Glint. I can very much to relate to ' idle exhaustion ' and even though I don't practice it myself but you know the answer and part of it is pushing your self a little each and every day.

The great Roberto Duran threw in the towel and said ' No Mas ' against Sugar Ray. Your the latter, so keep striving on.

Posted : 20th February 2017 7:39 am
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

No surprise to see you were the first to congratulate me on my 100 days.
You've had an uncanny knack of posting to me when I've felt particularly low and given me the boost I've needed.
Hope you're well and happy with life x

Posted : 1st April 2017 6:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hai Glint,

A flyer.

Possibly because of my controlling ' past ' i do check up on the contractual agreement that you check in at least once a month. A duty of care is written in clause 10.5, so I'm chuffed that contractually your still adhering to the contract as proved by the poster above.

But, how is my gamcare friend doing ? I know the answer I want.

Strength to you

Posted : 7th April 2017 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hello my interesting cyber pal.

In truth i'm a avid Sun reader, that's usually as much as I can muster with regards to reading. I tend be a binge reader, pretty much like my gambling I guess !

I sometimes get inspiration from work projects, but the majority of jobs I do, I tend to go through the motions and go with the flow and take the money.

I've got Louis ' happiness trap ', yet it gathers dust and intending to blow off in my intended short break. The books I intended to send were a couple of Hubert Selby Jr and Gabor Mate ' realms of a hungry ghost ' . I'm trying to get through a book by Michael Newton ' travellers tales ' but struggling with concentration. So, maybe this break will help with that.

' The one and only Ivan ' interests me, have read articles about simular spectacles ( is that right word? ) in Asian Malls. Also haunted by seeing a siberian bear in a cage at lake Bacal. A bizarre world hai !

Anyway Glint. Wrongly or rightly this alter ego is off for pastures new, had started to bore myself and have always been interested in Harry Houdini.

I wish you well.......

Take care pal.

Posted : 11th April 2017 8:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hai, As a fellow man who likes a story, i thought on this lazy afternoon i would share the story of Minnie Moocher, as i also know you like swedish proverbs and Minnie had a dream of the King of Sweden......

Posted : 29th May 2017 3:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hai Glint, thanks for your post. You may have noticed I quite often go off track and go on a tangent and sometimes need reigning in. And you managed to reign me in and realise that in the grand scheme of things work is work and in a month or so, it will be a memory with which I've either gleaned some more understanding or not.

It's a bit of a bi.....tch to hear about your ' bootloop ' but warming to the soul that it's in the company of frozen peas. Bizarrely enough I've also been called something similar and that's a ' fruit loop '. I think with the former ' bootloop ', it's something to do with global warming -

The strong equatorial Pacific Ocean surface warming that was the El Nino of 2015-2016 had long since passed. The effects of a weak La Nina cooling of the same waters during late 2016 still lingered and resulted in ' bootloop ' which in turn was believed to be of caused by a combination of the Don and Kim Jong Un.

Anyway, I hope all things are good with you and your still striving on...

Posted : 9th June 2017 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

A 100 today Glint and as the Queen is busy, she asked me to send this post.

I like to think your not far away and any idle exhaustion is being zapped by the energy of the Sun. A little random bizarre here, but gonna share. I use to have a hook, will probably get another when I next go back to hospital. I was also shot when playing war as a child and got shot with a pellet gun, resulting in a damaged retina. Neither are obvious but life experiences. But the long winded point is that if I got a hook and a patch, then I would resemble a pirate, hence that what I probably was last time I visited, used gambling as I hunted my missing treasure. Wondering if you were my wise shipmate who looked at the stars and navigated the 7 sea's.

Sat on a boat to come up with that random thought. But, trusting your well

Posted : 8th July 2017 4:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Glint :))

Just stopping bye to say thank you for your glowing post the other day , not sure I deserved it all but you know me " I'll take it anyway " :)) .

It's good to see you both " Talking the talk and most definately Walking the walk " and crashing into the century club and beyond Sorry if that sounded a bit " Buzz lightyear ish " :)) .

Ingterested to know if your still " Fixing thing's " these day's or just looking out for number one ? .

Just one more thing , why are you still in the new members ? I think youv'e well and truly served your apprenteship and it's noit that scary over here :)) .

Look after yourself my old friend .

Best wishes and thank's again :))

Posted : 10th August 2017 4:00 pm
Posts: 1828

Hi Glint, thank you for your 'welcome back' post on my thread just now. I hope you're keeping well my friend and will certanly be catching up over the next few days of course. All the best, Mixer

Posted : 13th August 2017 8:07 pm
Posts: 3947

Hi Glint hope your happy and well . Thankyou for the kind words posted on my diary .

Wishing you a good GF sunday .....stephen

Posted : 20th August 2017 7:20 am
Posts: 0

Thank you Glint for your kind word's yesterday , I left a note on my thread for you but incase you missed it .

You have such a way with word's my friend which makes me quite envious at times , you express yourself with an almost poetry like way , which gets your point accross perfectly :))

I'm glad your still around and still posting even if it is on the wrong page :))

To the "Oldest Newbie in town " , thank you so much for your kind word's although it was far too flattering , I wish you well as always and will no doubt speak to you soon .

Stay well my friend .


Posted : 7th September 2017 10:28 pm
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