spose this is day one

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im knackerd mentally and physically had a good sorta day started great actually proper laughed at somebody today was good for me. set a goal just hope i reach it and get my reward.#

cheltenham tomorrow cant say im looking foward to it thinking of it makes me sick and feel on a downer.

but hey ho another day down this is good.

Posted : 9th March 2009 10:41 pm
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so day 12 of no gambling.

but its day one of cheltenham a 4 day nervous hard to handle event.

i feel like im gunna be doing something hard today im mervous uptight worried like ive gotta go and do a sky dive or something sciry. all i gotta do is not bet.

im at work all afternoon anyway why am i feeling this way. i want to check whos running today pick a horse out like i would any other day keep thinking one bet wont hurt. but it will so i wont i hsll not bet at cheltenham!

Posted : 10th March 2009 8:28 am
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turn the telly on to find what oh channel 4 racing its gunna be everywhere this week. can i watch it without betting or feeling the urge? not sure i can do i need to watch it? what for i wont be betting on those horses again so no need. now all i gotta do is cope with guys at worku had a bet today dan???

Posted : 10th March 2009 9:17 am
Posts: 0

I feel pretty much the same, over the years I have gone to Cheltenham, saved up for it and looked forward to it. Now it's all gone out of control I am not thinking about it as a big event.

I am sure you will not bet today Dan. Good luck and remember fc f*** CHELTENHAM.

Posted : 10th March 2009 9:19 am
Posts: 0

Oh one other thing u must not do is what I used to do when trying to stop.

I'd think last week /yesterday I was having a score on the virtual dogs, surely a five on a big important meeting like Cheltenham won't hurt. But as we know to our cost it will and then it spirals again.

Posted : 10th March 2009 9:23 am
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whoa what a day first day of cheltenham. and i didnt gamble result. i did see sum results on the news wen i got in , whys it gotta be so publicied perhaps i never noticed that side before. well watchin the news made me feel strange kinda missed the action the buzz of the race, but i aint missed the feeling of loseing and this is what i must remember. overtime tomorrow but must try stay till mid afternoon so ican miss most the races! had a nice thing done for me today somebody showed they really do care alot for me. im glad i can shre my feelings with somebody i trust. i think this helps to confide in somebody,problem shared n all that.think im gunna take a look at sum evening college things time to start concentrating on dan. one day at a time guys one day at a time.

Posted : 10th March 2009 10:53 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Dan,

I actually watched it all at home , and didn't feel the need so much , just watched it from a sporting perspective.

I did think of you though as you are in this situation due to horses rather than online or roulette like the majority. I worried a bit that you might have succumbed , but I am delighted you did not.

Well done

Posted : 11th March 2009 10:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi dan

here's hoping todays a good day for you.

look after yourself mate.


Posted : 11th March 2009 12:45 pm
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thanks guys much appreciated, if i can beat this we all can. ive found u have to want to do this to give up anything. if u want it for u then u can stay away from the betting.

races week sucks, i find myself being annoyed im not betting i dont no why. or is it cus im not watching it, i dno, all i no im better off not avin ne contact with the races at the mo. then thats my first massive hurdle out the way be a big relief, then the biggest test pay day. gotta pay debts and not let the fact i have money urge me to bet.well until that day comes im still bet free 13days and counting and 12 off the f**s!!

Posted : 11th March 2009 3:03 pm
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stil no bets n no f**s!

had a real downer day today tho. trying to sort out some meetings to go to just need to do something but keep hitting walls. only one meeting and thats on a monday when im at work. dont really wanna have to tell my boss bout this so i cn get the time off but might have to not good.

Posted : 12th March 2009 4:04 pm
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cheers ade, i did read my past posts it did help me out,

today was a good day managed to tell my boss mt problems and he was cool wiyh it and has given me the flexibiltyt i need to go to a ga meet on monday night thanks to the support of my specail friend. nervous about it but i will go and see what the meetings about.

no gambling today cheltenham is over and still no f**s!!!

Posted : 13th March 2009 8:30 pm
Posts: 0


Good to hear your boss has been understanding.

Remember Cheltenham may be over but your battle is far far from over. It's the weekend and only your second or third one. Stay positive as I find this is when I feel most vulnerable at times. Keep positive and safe!!!

Posted : 14th March 2009 9:36 am
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yeah, not getting carried away just pleased to have survived, got g,a meeting monday night bit worried ant advice on it would be helpfull guys!

next big challenge pay day, untill then taking it easy and woriking one day at a timre!

Posted : 14th March 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 0

You will come out of the meeting ten feet tall. You'll see you are not alone in this and there is an abundance of help if you help yourself. Enjoy it.

Steve E

Posted : 14th March 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan

you're really making some strong determined steps towards permanent recovery. I applaud you. hope you had a good weekend.

i hope some of your determination rubs off on me 🙂

All the best,

nwn .

Posted : 15th March 2009 11:18 am
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