start as I mean to go on!

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Well I am on day 72 and I am so happy 🙂

Posted : 10th January 2014 7:49 am
Posts: 69
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Day 77. I am beating this slowly but surely!

Posted : 15th January 2014 11:48 pm
Posts: 69
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Day 80. Never thought I could do this but I'm managing. Have had some thoughts and urges creep in now and again, but happy to say I have not acted on them. I am enjoying this gambling free life.

Stay strong all. We can do this! X

Posted : 18th January 2014 2:25 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Lia,

What a great achievement!!! Keep it up and keep making the right choice. Recovery never stops giving, so keep taking and enjoy your g free life

You are worth it!!!!

Sandra xx

Posted : 23rd January 2014 5:22 pm
Posts: 69
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Day 93 woohoo!!

Posted : 31st January 2014 5:31 pm
Posts: 7071

Woohooo indeed 🙂 !!!

Well done Lia, keep it up and find that freedom you well deserve xx

day at a time

S x

Posted : 31st January 2014 6:21 pm
Posts: 69
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Thank you x

Posted : 31st January 2014 8:36 pm
Posts: 0


You are doing a great job. It will only get better. Keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the journey towards a better, happier life.


Posted : 31st January 2014 10:03 pm
Posts: 69
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I am such an idiot! I relapsed last night 🙁 The urge was strong and I acted on it. Can't believe I did it, as I was doing so well. I am now feeling so guilty. Back to square one again! 🙁

Posted : 13th February 2014 4:15 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Lia,

First stop calling urself an idiot, you are simply not ok..

Secondly, don't beat urself up here for what happenned, learn from it.

Try to work out if urges were building up and what made you to act on them as a result. I wonder if u have any blocks in place? These are essential in recovery...K9 is free one and all you need to do, just ask someone u trust to put password in for you.

This addiction can't b cured my friend, u need to recognize those moments u feel the most vulnerable and try to give ur all to avoid lapse happening. It is not easy, never can just come out of nowhere and hit u hard..i am no different my friend, i do fight urges away quite often..i haven't got change in my life. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

I know u can do it, i know u are strong enough to look beast in the eye and stick ur middle finger up.

Never give up giving up...don't feed the are worth more than that in ur fact, you are worth more than u can think of...everything. believe in urself, this will pass, and u will come out as better person which learned the lesson and stood strong against this habit.

Take care and b kind to urself.u are not on ur own

S x

Posted : 13th February 2014 4:50 am
Posts: 69
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Thanks Sandra. I'm just kicking myself for giving in so easily. I didn't have a block in place. I use my phone alot of the times and couldn't find a filter, but I just looked at that K9 blocker and they have an app. I have now downloaded it. Day 1 of recovery again x

Posted : 13th February 2014 8:19 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya lia. Sorry to hear of your slip. It is something to be P***** off about as you don't wanna gamble and you did and it's good that your P***** off but it's also about how you react to it. You came on here got it out and you looked at why you slipped and come up with another block to help for the future or to summarise you reacted perfectly!! I've had so many slips it's not easy to give up on such a strong addiction but it certainly can be done and you have done it, you've shown you can do it and I believe you'll keep doing it.

A bit late I know but well done on completing the 90 day thread it was my intention to go around and celebrate with everyone but it just didn't work out that way - life went a bit mad and didn't get the time. But it was a great achievement and you should be proud and although you say your back to day one really it'll never be like a true day one as you have learnt so much and come so far. Keep it going I know you'll be fine.

Posted : 28th February 2014 7:59 pm
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