Stuck with no ambitions

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just quickly background, I haven’t gambled in 3-4 weeks now but maybe due to the fact I’ve had no money, although I have also activated Gamstop on my phone which has assisted me when I did have money. 

However, I am here to ask people in regards to what’s happened to me now. I’m in thousands pounds of debt again, to the point last 5-6 months I’ve been paid, withdrawn 200 cash for myself and the rest gets swallowed up by rent/debts (£1300) and then I go into about -£300 every month in bank fees 

anyway, my life has no direction now, today is a nice sunny day, most of my friends are in their holiday (believe it not I couldn’t afford to go) and other friends are off to the races and out having a good time. 

Meanwhile I’m at home, impossible to get out of bed, despite my parents efforts to moan at me to do at least something (I’m 28 and back at home now)


i am not happy in my job, how I get up every morning mom-fri to go to work for money I know I’ll never get is rather beyond me. I hate getting up in mornings I just want to stay in bed 24 removed link

my ambition is washed away, I used to want to be successful, work my way to a great social life, partner and my own home. But that’s gone. I can’t be bothered to leave my room, can’t be bothered to job search for something o might enjoy more, I love(d) running, I cant even imagine going for a run, sit in bed please (my mind begs..) 

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to hopefully reach someone who can relate to this, and if they ever found a way out? A purpose in life? 

Sometimes I drive to work hoping the big lorry opposite me would just wipe me away, that’s sad and pathetic to say, I know but hell it would make things so much easier. 

Being in gambling debt has killed who I am, I’m a shadow of who I wanted to be, who I was. 

May someone please just advise or inform me if there’s ever a way out this c**P mess

Posted : 20th July 2019 12:55 pm
Posts: 2938

hi, I read someone's diary on here and they had gone from being homeless to not betting in twenty five years and over that time earning on average 75k a year having no experience but hard graft and persistence. He said to pay debt off as slowly as u can to remind yourself of what gambling has done. I aggree life is for living so don't spend all your money on paying debts rather live life not and pay debts of but be a more responsible person with ur money. Ive been at home with parents for six years and I'm 38 and although u crave for independence think what u can do with the money that's not spent just paying a landlord. So look at the positives id say. Get out those old running shoes now and go for a five minute jog after all it sunny then u can see uve achieved something however small today


Posted : 20th July 2019 3:55 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi there,



I guess I can relate to lack of motivation and no purpose in life. However there is that "something" to keep us on a level and push us to keep carrying on. 


I used to love running, now I don't do outside running nor long distances but am in love with gym. Very hard to find motivation for this some days but as soon as I get there, i can guarantee I will come out a refreshed and thankful person.

I guess my point is - keep pushing yourself (sometimes even out of comfort zone) and motivation and ambition may start returning slowly but surely. The results (same as not gambling time...btw - well done!) will keep on coming and with that more desire to keep making changes in life and finding new hobbies and purpose.


You have a lot to give & not only for your loved ones but the whole wide world....


Save those lorry drivers from the heartache and trauma for life if they had to hurt you the way you describe...there is always two sides to the story and there is always so many broken hearts left after such incidents...


Please be kind to you, you're worth it. Don't lose hope, keep making the right choice and find strength in you to appreciate here and now.


There are many good things out there for us and we will reap them when then time is right.


Have patience and start from within ?


Stay safe and at peace


S&B xc

Posted : 20th July 2019 4:01 pm
Posts: 4

In all honesty I’m in a similar situation, just finding life boring and loosing all the time, the problem is like me you know the answer and thats that your the only person that can change it but it’s a hard pill to swallow 

Posted : 20th July 2019 5:52 pm
Posts: 859

Solid advice from both above posts. If your debts are leaving you in the minus or with very little maybe worth looking at a debt management plan which can give you a realistic budget. It's unrealistic and unfair to live on next to nothing whatever the circumstances. Trying not to be patronising but you are young and csn turn this around, will just take time. Look after yourself S 🙂

Posted : 20th July 2019 8:42 pm
Posts: 175

I was in your position around age 22 and remember feeling the exact same way , I was in a dead end job I had to travel 300 miles a week to

all my money was sucked up in petrol and servicing debts and bills I was also living in my parents box room

it was an extremely grim period of my life but take some solice in knowing it cant get much worse

im 27 now and live with my partner in a nice 3 bedroom bungalow I have cleared over 10 Grands worth of debt I have no credit cards no over drafts and no loans

what I do have is money in the bank to be able to enjoy my life its taken me almost 6 years to achieve this independence

the only way to go from your position is up ……I would strongly recommend you begin with contacting an insolvency practitioner and looking at options to write some debt off

you can forget about using credit from today onwards learn how to manage your day to day money and learn to put some in a pot for a rainy day

if your job is unsatisfying look for something else , or even better look for a second source of income

I am not sure how much debt you have but you are looking at a minimum of 5 years to turn your life around why not start today ?


you must make your own luck in this life 

Posted : 22nd July 2019 10:18 am

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