the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Well I like skinny runts! I think you're gorgeous!!!!

Lots of love and high fives,

f x

Posted : 1st January 2011 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands and a very happy new year to you.

Yes, like you, I do miss the 'excitement' of gambling but I certainly don't miss the losing and we all know that the losing happens far, far more than the winning.

2011 is going to be a great year for us all!


Posted : 1st January 2011 5:43 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for all your posts, happy new year to you all (bit late, lol!).

Still gamble free and had a good chistmas (gamble free of course!!).

Was an emotional christmas, just my boys and me. Not heard nothing from any of my family for quite some time, doubt very much i will again. Went down to the coast where i said my farewells to my mother last year, had bit of a sob with the 2 most important people in my life - my sons!!

The regrets are still there and at times my mood goes up and down like a rollercoaster. Back to work monday and its kinda sad christmas is over for another year.

gamling sucks, so does dry turkey!

take care, ands

Posted : 8th January 2011 10:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi ands, and many thanks for your post in my diary.

Sounds like you had a sobering Christmas with your boys. Yes, the regrets will still be there and moods will still go up and down.

But as long as we don't gamble, 2011 is going to be a brilliant year for us all.

Have a good weekend.


Posted : 8th January 2011 11:27 am
Posts: 0

Great to hear that you haven't gambled for almost a year and a half. Very inspirational. I can look forward to doing the same. Keep up the good work.

Posted : 8th January 2011 11:40 am
Posts: 4881

Hi ands... I agree with canterburymale your life and diary is very inspirational.

I always smile when I read your diary. I just imagine you pottering around in your daily life with your two son's in tow. Like a swan and its little swanlets. You must be very proud.. keep going.. s.a 🙂

Posted : 8th January 2011 12:47 pm
Posts: 1057

a heartfelt post there ands but you made me smile with your comparisons..onwards we go buddy,we can do this 🙂

Posted : 9th January 2011 9:55 am
Posts: 0

Or a duck and his ducklings! 🙂


Posted : 9th January 2011 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ands, great to hear you are still going strong. Like many have said, you have been through a great deal but have come out on the other side. You are a must see on page 1. All the very best to you and your two boys. Russ

Posted : 13th January 2011 3:38 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks as always for your posts, always nice to read.

11 days since my last post and thats another 11 days towards my next milestone of 2 years gamble free (some time to go before i hit that target tho!! but my confidence is high and my determination is as strong as ever).

No reflection tonight, just wanted to post on my diary.

Gambling sucks so do asda,s trifles and now there jam doughnuts ....... oh and so do there apple pies....anywyay enough of that, have a very sweet tooth.

take care, ands

Posted : 19th January 2011 8:52 pm
Posts: 314

Way to go my man.

Posted : 19th January 2011 9:02 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Been a couple of weeks since my last post and thats another couple of weeks gamble free.

Life at times is hard (as we all know) but be even harder if i was gambling. Love my sons, always and forever.

Urges come and go, have done now for well over a year. like i said before they just a dorment part of my life.

I dedicate my life to my beautiful sons, not the dire machines!!! They deserve a gamble free dad.....and's that what they have.

take care. ands

Posted : 2nd February 2011 9:52 pm
Posts: 2966

Yay! lovely to read such a strong, positive post from you sweetie 🙂 the real ands has resurfaced in all his glory, and he is very lovely actually!

The gambling made the real you disappear.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 2nd February 2011 9:58 pm
Posts: 0

So pleased to hear from you again and that you are still a gamble-free-doting dad!

Keep up the great work that you are doing!


Posted : 3rd February 2011 6:58 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ands.. top man as always.. keep going.. am sure you will.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 4th February 2011 7:47 pm
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