the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Thanks SA.

Approaching my next milestone about 7 or 8 weeks time and that will be 3 years gamble free. Not a penny on those sh*tty machines, the thought makes me smile. I am a completely different person and a far better parent, My boys are doing great and we had great Christmas, lots of pressies for my boys and some nice food. Didn,t have that when gambling............anyways often have a read of some of the diaries which reminds me of the hell gambling leads to.

Late happy new year.

Posted : 7th February 2014 9:30 pm
Posts: 4881

Great stuff Ands... well done.

Am already looking forward to your Easter post 😉

Take care mate... S.A 🙂

Posted : 7th February 2014 10:25 pm
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Thanks SA!

Yey, I now over 3 years gamble free next target 4 years and so on, gonna keep my diary going, to put in bluntly I have no room, nor time or interest in gambling whatsoever!! Not had any urges now for prob 6 months or so and have had some very stressful times recently, which would have normally resorted into a brainless gambling binge.

Cant believe I have kept my diary going for so long, soon it will be longer than my marriage, lol.

My boys are cool and we all of for easter, cinema and fishing to look forward.

My life is far from perfect BUT its so much better nowadays and I have gained some new friends and almost a new life. Those days of lying and stealing are getting further and further behind me.


Posted : 10th April 2014 11:38 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Ands and good to read that your dealing with life on life's terms and coping admirable well without gambling. Over 3 years is just an awesome achievement, well done mate!

Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 12th April 2014 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Hey Ands,

Great to see a post from you! 3 years.... well done. Hope you are enjoying the weather, better than a sweaty bookies.

Nice to hear from you.


Posted : 17th May 2014 5:53 pm
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Thanks SA and Dazzler

Well over 3 years now since my last gamble and looking forward to the summer with my boys. Annual camping trip approaching and have brought some new rods and a new tent. Going up to Keswick and going to have some good fun, far better than staring at a crappy screen pressing buttons.

Anyways that my little update, post again in the autumn.

Have a great gamble free summer!!


Posted : 13th July 2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 2966

So happy to see that you are going from strength to strength, ands. High five!!!!

f x

Posted : 13th July 2014 10:59 pm
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happy new year all....

Another year underway and i look forward to it, my sons doing very well and had a great gamble free christmas. Have not gambled at all and will be 4 years gamble free early summer....WOW so chuffed and feel sooo much better these days. Often think of my family who i have not spoken to for a long time now, regrets there still there, guilt thats still there too a reminder to myself never gamble again..............I believe if i never changed my life when i did i would have lost everything including my sons...Anyways enough of that, take care whoever reads this.. ands

Posted : 8th January 2015 12:01 pm
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Been a while since posting, dont really know what brought me here this morrning. Well i am over 4 years gamble free now and life is pretty normal nowadays. Dont have any cravings haven't done for some time, can even walk in the arcades with my sons now and thiere is zero interest to revisit the hell of gambling. If your wandering why i would go in the arcades is so my sons can have a little fun and that is where it ends FUN, not addiction.

Since joining in 2009 went through dire times, sacked from work cos of stealing, shoplifting, thousands in debt and nearly losing my sons which would have destroyed me. I will never forget those who helped me and gamcare staff who supported me i am so different now, took a lot of work and a lot of tears.

Wish you all well in your battles. ands

Posted : 28th August 2015 10:23 am
Posts: 4881

Hi And's great post... am really pleased to see you doing so well.

I am a little ashamed to write on your diary nowadays, cos I still struggle with addiction.. But I will recover, I will.

Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 28th August 2015 10:29 am
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Hello diary, few years since posting still gamble free. Life pretty good my boys not so small now can't believe how long it's been. I more than 6 years free of the hell of stupid machines. Couple more years and debts will be nearly gone be 9 years on dmp. Often think bout those bleak days of my old disgusting life the compulsive liar, thief now I'm not that person. Gamcare and all the support I had saved me and for that I will always be very grateful indeed. A lot of work went into my recovery a lot of tears too, all worth it. Love my son's and as I used to say, I'll never gamble again. This diary has now lasted longer than my marriage lol.

Posted : 19th April 2018 5:53 pm
Posts: 0


Posted : 19th April 2018 6:42 pm
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Hi diary, my eldest son has read the whole of my diary from start to finish he's a little angry that i deleted early postings but i explained why and now he understands. He was 18 a few weeks ago and he wanted to read it, he was shocked what i had done and very suprised what i went through. An eye opener to what gambling can reduce us ex cg's to, he forgives me and tells me he wont be taken the same path as me, which obviously delights me.

I feel my sons have the right to know all about my old ways and what they can lead to, he has no interest in gambling what so ever.

Neither of my sons have seen there mother for more than 10 years now, my family have not spoken to me for years but it really doesn't matter anymore as i have moved on and my sns are doing very well indeed. I have no thoughts, urges or any interest in those machines but i would like to smash them up tho, lol. The depression i used to suffer from lasted years but that too is a distant memory. Still have eating disorder but that is not related to my old habits, just one of those things...

I am keeping my diary going because tbh i promised someone i would, just going to post now and again.

life is good especially when there is no gambling.

Posted : 24th April 2018 5:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ands

Just to what an incredible journey you've had. Thanks for posting back so that i have had the opportunity of ready some of your diary.

Wishing you all the good things life has to offer

Sammy x

Posted : 1st May 2018 7:30 pm
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