Now look what you've started...Incontinence :-0
I was frantically trying to clear my name whilst you were whizzing round the site like a yout (I'm not sure he's agreed to it yet but I think we're making you an honouary Cockerney) cheating with your fancy cut & paste - but why say in 10 words what you can say in 10 pages that's what I say!
There is so much sad on here that I love that we can show living goes hand in hand with recovery! I have been 'living' a lot lately so really hope I don't start peeing everyone off because this recovery means so very much to me! As I posted earlier, our stake is life!
I am almost sorry to have disappointed you with the lack of fancy dress 🙁 If it's helps, my Mum will be there looking like a witch minus the broomstick...She doesn't want me to spend more than £20 on her outfit (typical CG) even though I have begged her to let me use my money how I wish! I perhaps should not have shown her my gorgeous wedding dress which cost me £30 (inc P&P) & fits me like a hug - so long as (& get this) I don't lose anymore weight! I can sometimes see why people want to punch me in the face but fear not, on this occasion, I do not deserve one for I bring advice as I am the wiser older bride who ordered a size too big 🙂
I trust you are keeping strong - ODAAT
Hi Rach, Thanks for checking in on me, still here,be it in the background. Good to read that you did'nt give in and self excluded. I am still gamble free but to be honest financially i have'nt noticed as business quiet and any money coming in is gone as soon as it hits the account. Have to get used to any funds coming in will be repaying the supplier's and VAT man etc.
Hope you get your finances sorted, PayPlan is the way forward, I speak from experience, i am on a DMP with them and have been for several year's prior to that was with a fee charging company that ripped off all their clients. Praying on the desperate.
Cica £50K in debt at start of DMP, approx £35K currently with 9 years remaining! All gambling debt from 6-7 years ago!!! Took that long and thousands more wasted to learn my lesson.
Take care, Al
Hi Rach,
Thanks for brightening my day today. It's good to have a bit of fun on this forum to lighten the long recovery road which becomes sooooooo freaking tedious at times.....
Just read your last post and have to admit that I found myself in a similar position to you many times in the past. Opening another account and thinking I'll just limit myself to a few quid this time, I can control it this time......but alas it never works that way does it..
Glad your son came down the stairs at that time. It may be worth remembering that shamed feeling you felt, if those urges come again. It just ain't worth going back to that fantasy world any more is it?......
Keep strong
All the best
Ade x
Hello my fellow Chav-pie (don't tell me you don't like all things that sparkle or I'll be straight back onto the Guvnor & you'll be stripped of your honourary status) what a brilliant night/day 🙂 What were we drinking?!?
You can tell you're not the real deal, only someone not from London can be excited by it! The Norvern Monkey likes nothing better than to suggest wasting our days off together going into Town! It's not him sitting opposite someone chewing with their mouth open on the, late again, train then stood on the platform of the tube plucking up the courage to force his way on & hoping that his nose (which doesn't remotely resemble landing strip for Concorde unlike mine) is not whipped off by the closing door, that despite the announcer's insistence, you cannot physically mind unless you are Spider-Man & able to scramble up & cling to the ceiling just to get to work now is it? (& breathe) No Siree it isn't!
Hi Rach,
Hope all is good with you! ;0)
Ade x
Who was I kidding, not gonna post again tonight...Could go without touching base with my bezzie!
Laugh it up girlie (I am) & of course it's wine o'clock (says she who doesn't drink), you are 5 weeks gamble free 🙂
So, finally feel like I am making progress with the debt. Spoke to Payplan, they've recommended iva which I'm relieved with to be honest as it means (if it is approved) that I can no longer be chased by the companies I owe money to, the interest will be frozen on all debts and it will all be over and done with in 5 years with any money left owing written off, although to be honest i think I will have paid most if not all of the debt by then so long as I get a few bonuses from work along the way (which I should). I can now plug the home phone in as if the debt collectors call I just have to tell them to contact Payplan. I feel like it's all a bit of a cop out but I have been scraping an existence for so long that it is all just such a relief to finally start to get things sorted.
More importantly, I am now 5 weeks gf. I am feeling strong and happy.
I'm in the doghouse with son though, I snooped on his facebook so he's ignoring me now (after lecturing me on betraying his trust). He shouldn't have left himself signed in on my laptop should he - what's a mum to do?
Hi Rach,
Glad you liked the photo! ;0) .....and glad to hear that you are feeling strong and happy........must've be something to do with Glenns short shorts then back in the eighties eh!!.........Oh Raaaaaaaaaaaacccch!
Well done on 35 days gamble free too. Each single day is an achievement for us all. A point I keep reminding myself of all the time, by the way....
Have really enjoyed the last few days on the forum, it's been like a breath of fresh air, just having a laugh. The support on here is great and helps me keep coming back each day to check up on all the diaries I post on.
Keep strong, and enjoy your weekend......oh, and keep off his facebook page......this Gamcare forum is more fun!! ;0)
Ade xxx
P.s: Please tell me that that's you in your Profile pic!?!?!.......
Hi Rach,
God...all these pics are just hilarious. Gets better and better lol. Should open a gallery soon lol good stuff, keeps ticker ticking better while finding that fresh air to breathe in lol
Very big weldone on 5 weeks g free. Every day does count and great to see you feeling a lot better with yourself.
Sorting the payments out must be such a relief! I do hope iva will accept you and you can have bigger peace of mind. Knowing where you're with your finances definitely helps.
Keep up the good work and keep winning every day you abstain 🙂
Take care
Sandra xx
Morning you, I'll tell you what I think a Mum has to do...Snoop every chance she gets & lock him in a cupboard when he stops talking about footie & starts looking @ girls 😉 You may have a use for that stick after all...I don't imagine he'd go quietly!
So glad to hear positive steps have been taken & things are looking brighter, it's not a cop out @ all! I actually think it's a very brave & sensible decision...Life is hard enough without the vicious cycle of debt especially when Mr Gamble is out there calling to us, promising fun & happiness - the big fat liar...I hope he over-eats & explodes!
Keep @ it ODAAT - Juuuuuune
Just a fly by tonight, I will save the wedding suggestion for the wedding thread which I am working on!
Good to see you took my advice on board 😉 Now to get you some of this anger, I tell you, it's incredible! I just can't comprehend how I spent so many years doing something that literally gave me no enjoyment especially towards the end! I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now & it's in no small part thanks to what you guys have done for me this week! If OH wasn't off, I may have considered popping down to stalk you 2moz, I have a photo of you now 😉
You keep strong ODAAT - Juuuuuune
Hi Rach,
Hope your weekend is going well my little adopted Hotspurian!
Keep strong and keep smiling
Ade x
Hi Rach,
Thank you for your post on our shared new tread (thread lol) and excuse me if I'm wrong but ya know both Juuune and Terry the best, so just wondering if you could enlighten us a little about they lovely journey to this point 🙂
Lol...sorry, but ya know prob not, but hell i am one crazy nut which is tough to crack lol (i guess this was starred out).
Can you please tell your do you get away with swearing and very nasty words on here without being starred out? Are you from Admin? Or are you from the above with special powers? 😀
I'm off my rocked so sorry for my bravery in asking so many questions.
I wish you all the best, keep up good work and keep marching on. I hope you get a little sense of pride in yourself...i would if i were you...i would treat myself with something nice, maybe a cup of tea for a change lol..since you don't drink (seen somewhere..but if I'm wrong - apologies) maybe a glass of red or something..maybe not tonight but soon be weekend 😉
Day at a time. You go girl!!
Sandra xx
Rach, don't give up on me 🙁
I know it is hard when you see advice that hurts but this forum has a place for you...Seriously, you have no idea what you have done for me this week! I know you think I am strong but I am a compulsive gambler in recovery no less, no more than anyone here & I for one would miss you more than you could imagine!
Hey Rach, glad to see you have taken action to resolve your finances and make things more manageable. The pressure of debt can weigh so large that we see gambling as a way out, and I know how much easier I'm finding recovery now that my finances and debt repayments are more manageable. I hope your sons speaking now, next time he uses your laptop he needs to log out lol. 5 weeks is good stuff, keep it up!
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