Has 2018 been different precisely because you’ve not been drinking in the pub with the machines?
Hello Adam, yea i'd say just be careful with the going back to drinking. Im not saying you shouldn't, thats your choice of course but you have done great so far, don't let alcohol get you down. Its great to hear what you've done this year.
All the best mate, have a good weekend.
I would not have some drinks at the first opportunity. You have been doing well without alcohol. Maybe wait a short while.
Hi guys and girls, well I would say that not going to the pub definately helped, alcohol and change in a pub is a dangerous combination. I was a bit wary of drinking again because of the gambling aspect and the weight loss ive made its been super productive. However in order to let my hair down and socialise with my friends its important to not just stick to gym and home plus my mates go to pubs not coffee houses. So I went on Friday had about four or five drinks. Then Saturday went out and had a fair few drinks round a mates. I didn't gamble I did think about it as the machines are there and flashing but I kept strong and had a good time. I'm very proud of myself. I'm not going to pubs for a couple of weeks now as I want to save for holiday and I feel I've let my hair down and relaxed. It could have gone horribly wrong but I feel I've created a habbit now of not gambling and id like to stick at it.
Hello diary, on a bit of a come down after the highs of the weekend, lots of laughter and a few beers. Back to work today. Early night tonight then.....
Really, really down today
Hello Adam,
Just seen your last post. How you doing mate?
Hi sj and inef thanks for the posts, feeling a lot better now, a few days have passed, ive made plans to move out my parents this time next year. Gives me time to get back to full time work and be healthy, if gives me time to work on the wage I'm earning and it also gives me time to save for furniture I will need. I'm only earning 800 a month at the mo so I've got to work on getting better so I can work full time. Been decorating this and last weekend so I have been quite tired just worked out ill have worked 18 days in a row by nthis Thursday. Almost there, then I'm off work for four days. You migh ask why earn soo little for working all these days, well decorating doesn't pay just doing it for family. So now I will rest up tonight then gardening tomo all day. Keeps me busy I gues. Still not been to gym its been two weeks today but I have been busy so have burnt off the calories thru other ways. So all in all plan in place to move out and then I will be more independent and hopefully healthy and happy. Drink wise ive had one can of cider most evenings this week, not much but will not drink early next week to give myself a break.
Update, not had a drink so far this week, not been out either, just stayed at home after work. Went to gym on way back from work today, felt good. Going to work two more days then off for four days , cant come soon enough completely knackered. So not gambled for 94 days its becoming pretty easy I feel I've got into the habbit of it now
One more day at work tomo then off for four days completely knackered cant wait for a lye in and a day watching DVDs at home on Friday, a very good Friday indeed. Still not had a drink been three days now good to have a rest from it.
Hello, i'm at the end of my 4 day weekend and boy did i go off the rails. Got drunk friday and saturday, spent a lot and regretting getting soo drunk. It was a good couple of days tho. Need to get back to being tee total again for a couple of weeks get my life back in order. Hit the 100 days of no gambling today, im also on about 460 days of not smoking all going very smoothly.
Glad you enjoyed the Easter weekend Adam.
Congratulations and respect for your 100 days gamble free.
Hello Adam,
Im a day late but that just means you are a day further ahead! Well done one 100 days, amazing to see you doing well with how much you was struggling before. Keep it going mate, you know what and where you could slip up so just be careful!
All the best.
Thanks for the posts Stephen and sj, means a lot, I'm now an elder and will be using my knowledge to help newbies coming to the site in the hope that they will get better quicker than I did. Worked 7.5 hours today rather than 5 and I will have worked 35 hours for the week so I should earn a bit more money for mays paycheque happy days. Still recovering from the weekend,
Ive cancelled next weekends plans as they involve drinking and travel and a hotel and I'm thinking I cant afford it. So ill have a quiet weekend for a month or so and cut back on the alcohol again, a healthy Adam is a smart Adam. Have a great evening people
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