there are over 2019 reasons to not gamble this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Right I didn't drink for a week then had a few yesterday round a mates, was better then going to a pubas its cheaper. I'm getting pretty savvy at this age in my life, I can see what's overpriced and what's good value. I'm going to buy the new star wars dvd tomoshould be good to watch I again. Well over a hundred gamble free days today horray.


Posted : 8th April 2018 10:19 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hi Adam,

belated congratulations on 107 gamble free days form us Forum Admins as well. It looks like you've finally got into the swing of things.

Keep up the excellent work!

All the very best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 8th April 2018 5:22 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thank u Eva, back to work today after a nice weekend, I feel rested and ready to take on whatever comes my way. I shall buy star wars DVD on way back fro m work horray.


Posted : 9th April 2018 10:29 am
Posts: 2938
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I have a lot to be thankful for but I can't help feeling down at the mo. I'm wondering whether its because I'm not gambling my body is missing it.


Posted : 10th April 2018 9:37 am
Posts: 2938
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U do get endorphins from gambling and feelings of expectation that cant really be replaced, plus I'm missing some of my poker buddies. I think I need to throw myself into something and that something is going to be the gym. Been watching the commanwealth games and it would be nice to have a healthy body to go with my unhealthy mind.


Posted : 10th April 2018 10:18 am
Posts: 2938
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Had thoughts of starting poker again tonight, even thought about going this evening for the start of the new season. Its the first time I've struggled to make the right decision in a while. Spoke to my mum about it and she sais d it was / is a bad idea. All from a message sent out on facebok about their upcoming finals. Its s funy how one thought and i completely forgot about how much effort its taken to get here. Well I'm safely still at home and I've spent hardly anything the past four months.


Posted : 10th April 2018 7:13 pm
Posts: 2938
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Got thru my fleeting thoughts of poker. Thoughts of playing it safe, being strict with myself and not going on fruit machines. All complete b******s id not doubt spend a lot more money and get caught up in the act of gambling and ofcoarse id be back to the start again

​. Howver if it wasn't for my mum id definitely be back playing again so words of advice for others is when you have the thoughts of gambling again ask someone's advice, it wont be the answer you're loking for but it will be the correct one. So been at work all week, haven't spent any money socialy since Easter so that two weeks now which is good. Ive spent not including gym 450 pounds this year socially which is great and I've even paid for a festival and hotel for August which was 85. So all in all life is a lot more sensible and slighly more boring but the sensible road is the best one for me. Decorated my flat and got some new tenants in which is good. I have promissed myself that when these tenants decide to move on I will move out my parents and into the flat, it will be very tough on my small wage but hopefully well lets be positive I will be working full time then and will be able to afford all bills. Onwards and upwards.


Posted : 12th April 2018 4:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Adam.

Congratulations on making it this far into the recovery process, I hope I will be able to look back in time and say I made it this far myself. To avoid the pleasure of having a drink as well as battling the gambling urge is commendable, I freely admit for the time being I will be focusing purely on the gambling as I do like my real ales, but if drinking beer encouraged me to play fruit machines then I too would take the step to stop.

Brilliant willpower to resist the poker game, particularly if there were friends playing as the social element of it is an extra pull to get involved. Hopefully in the future when gambling is truly out of your life, more minor social pleasures such as this one may become feasible again. I think it's great you feel able to ask others for advice in the case of speaking to your mum, and shows you are open and honest with people. This can also make the lonely place of gambling not feel quite so lonely, I have personally confided in my best friend and will call him going forward whenever I feel in danger of relapsing.

Here's hopefully to many more hundreds of days of gamble free life for you to enjoy

Posted : 12th April 2018 5:29 pm
Posts: 2938
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Hi gtingo, yep my doctors said I can drink again a month agoso ive been out a few times and had a few beers,machines were in sight and flashing but I know the consequences of playing them. Also ive made it this far without going to my pub poker games, its been hard but I've been finding new hobbies. This weekend I ended up having a curry in


Posted : 16th April 2018 3:17 pm
Posts: 2938
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Crystal palace and playing golf in hassocks. Going to play a lot of golf this summer its very enjoyable. Also had a holiday day today so been relaxing, bit of a lye in then lunch and chilled.Back to work tomo but only start at midday so a lye in again... Happy days a successful diary this one horray.


Posted : 16th April 2018 3:20 pm
Posts: 2938
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115 DAYS HORRAY. ive worked out how long i need to be living with my parents, the longer i stay here the more stable my finances will be. Is 40 too old to be still living with ur parents, i gues it is, but i would be in a much better financial position if i did.

Posted : 17th April 2018 10:25 am
Posts: 2938
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WELL IVE STUMBLED, made it to 119 days, went to a bbq yesturday with my poker friends ive not seen for a while. Got really drunk and they started the poker game and i said that i wouldn't play for money but got tempted and didn't want to be left out so i played. 20 pounds gambled yesturday. I did however have a very nice day and it was good to see them all again. so back to day one today

Posted : 22nd April 2018 12:14 pm
Posts: 3947

Evening adam you little scallywag. It must have been very tempting for you seeing your friends sitting down for a game of poker and an acquaintance willing to give you a sub. I'm pleased that you have come back to the forum and not gone on a wrecking spree with your recovery.

Your starting on day 1 again but don't let that distract from your achievements over the last 119 days, you have done really well and shown a lot of courage and commitment.

Posted : 22nd April 2018 10:25 pm
Posts: 2938
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Day three working at it, twenty pounds spent in a year on gambling would be pretty good so I'm aiming for that. Five months down so far


Posted : 24th April 2018 9:58 am
Posts: 2938
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Day five and looking forward to the weekend. No plans as yet but u never know what will come up. Ive spent two hundred so far this month twenty of which was wasted on gambling so looking to not spend much moreuntill next month when ive been paid. Still got thirty left in my account so might go for a coffee this weekend. I'm pretty devestated my run ofdays came to an end but I've come a long way since last year and am reaping in the rewards of changing my lifestyle. Ive not been to a pub poker game since December and don't intend to. Ive not smoked since new years 2016 so that's a result too. If I was smoking drinking and playing poker still I reckon id been in a lot of trouble right now. Of and out


Posted : 26th April 2018 8:43 pm
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