You're doing great, Adam. Yes, you've had a minor slip up but - look, you've been honest and upfront about it and that's important. You've beat yourself up a bit, but that's Ok too. It shows you care. You're doing great, my friend 🙂
Thanks mixer mate for the post means a lot. I'm feeling a bit meh today, maybe its because its Monday, maybe its because of the set back of day count or maybe its because my jobs not going too well.
Feel better today, worked a full day and worked really hard, feel like I've walked a good few miles at work today, good exercise. Got paid yesterday and altho its not much if pays the mortgage and all other bills and leaves me with one hundred for the month. Going to go out on bank holiday weekend at the end of may for my birthday so will hopefully be able to save the money for then. Couple of quiet weeks ahead.
lovely day at the beach today, sat in the sun, took a packed lunch, drunk four pack of ciders, sat contently looking and listening to the sea. Simple pleasures ey. The sun gives me vitamins and i feel soo much better in it. Another couple of days in the sun sunday and monday so looking forward to that. If i was still gambling online id no doubt be sitting in my bedroom all weekend watching snooker and gambling more money than i should. Thankfully im enjoying more healthy pursuits now and reaping the benefits. All my friends are still gambling and smoking and im thankfull that i can mostly stay clear of this.
Weekly update, no gambling this week, had the urge to go to pub poker on Thursday but managed to stay clear. Had training at work this week and passed the exam so pleased with that. Went to town today and got some cds from a charity shop 50p each and managed to get some that id wanted for a while so pleased with that. Been going to gym three or four times a week and starting to see good results. I only weigh 12 stone 9 pounds now so down half a stone had to have a clear out of my wardrobe as everything was too big but luckily id kept clothes from when I was smaller in the loft ive gone from a large to a medium now horray. Lye in tomo so not sure what time ill get up prob walk to gym and go for a coffee. Happy days
Thought id do an update at a different time for a change. Went to gym yesterday then on the way back went to a harvestor and had a steak and some ciders in the sun, don't think id of been able to do that during my gambling period as id be thinking twenty pound for the fruity not for tangible things like food and drink. Anyway two weeks till ive got a couple of days holiday and my birthday, should be good. Gonna tighten the wallet strings this week so I can spend what I want over my birthday and not think about it. Off to work I go now start of a new week.......
went to gym again last night. Going to gym again tonight, love to have my addiction lye in something thats good for you. Roll on two weeks for 5 days off work horray.
Back to work today, had a good weekend, need a week or two off alcohol. Time for a detox.
day thirty navigated, got some overtime this week so up early tomo.... Day one of not drinking down. I will start to feel more healthy by the end of the week. Over and out.​
Congratulations adam on passing the 30 days mark.
Full of admiration for your determined attitude and upbeat approach. I think if anybody can do this, than you can.
I am plodding along a couple of weeks behind you and hope it stays that way ...stephen
Start of another week, had a lovely weekend lots of sun, beaches, drinks and ice creams. Gonna stay tee total till world cup now me thinks. Off to work now then ill go to the gym.
So day nine of not gambling and feeling good, been super productive at work today. 2.5 hours overtime today so that's an extra twenty quid in my pocket.not drunk alcohol since Sunday night so second day today, hopefully not drink till the world cup is on. Went to gym last night and done a 5k cycle and some rowing and weights. So onwards and upwards you get out what you put in so I will put in lots of effort. Over and out
Hi Adam, massive congratulations on your progress. Just reading about your journey and how you’ve turned your life around is an inspiration to myself who’s very new to it all
Just regarding the poker games, have you anyone in your circle of friends you can confide in about this? Just thinking if the cards come out maybe they could go home with you or even on to another pub. Sorry I know it’s not that straight forward but if your friends knew you had a problem with gambling would hey encourage you to do it?
Hi Leeds fan thanks for the post. Its all good on the poker front friends that need to know know, and ones that are still playing well I've only seen them once this year and that ended up with me gambling twenty pounds so wont be seeing them if I can help it.... Got to keep my streak going this time 119 days was awesome but a full year would be magical.
​in a reflective mood this evening so I thought id read my diary back again. Ive come a long way this year. Ive made many steps forward and many steps sideways. I'm grateful ive still got my job I'm in a different department now and still working the staggared 25 hours a week untill I'm fully better. Ive still been going to the gym, not every day but two to three times a week. I'm going to train for a 5k run in October in Bournemouth for cancer research hopefully for work as I think they are
Affected by gambling?
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