Time to start again..

6 Posts
2 Users
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Today is the last day I will place a bet!! Please read through my other forums to follow my journey and support me on this hard journey to a better life. Good luck to you all. Angie #day1 x

Posted : 16th August 2014 10:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi angie

You say is your last bet

My last bet was when gambling had 100 % beaten me I had no more funds to borrow. Or steal to feed it

I had used every means of obtaining money that I could All my gold my OHS overdraft and then then taking PD loans out in his name hell I was already in around 30000 debt of my own with overdrafts loans and credit cards I knew I would not win but I was compelled to carry onto self destruction I wagered my limit on a site of over 70000 for the month in ten days and I. Checked on there every 15 mins to see when the limit reduced so I could carry on feeding the machine

My last bet was to take another pD loan out for 300 to see us through the month I put the whole loan on the machine I knew I would not win and of course I didn't

I did not even get the satisfaction of winning and losing it went without even a 5 win That was my rock bottom I wanted to fade away not because I had lost but because I knew I could never play again gambling had totally broken me and my heart (if that makes sense)

I stopped because I simply had no more to give it

I had reached that Awful dark place

Don't go there don't hit rock bottom don't let gambling beat you it's not a good place believe me

Rise above the thoughts be strong and don't let this self destructive Addiction take everything

There is too much to lose in the real world and the aftermath is harder than stopping

Make this your last day and mean it [100% only you can do it otherwise you will get deeper and deeper into s**t

Suzanne xx

Posted : 16th August 2014 11:54 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Suzanne you really are such an inspiration to me. I feel I have hit rock bottom, I've 10000 worth of debts including payday loans, overdrafts etc. Can't bare to think how much money I would of had if I hadn't made that first bet 4 years ago. Walking round like a zombie after the bets I have placed. Will be checking in every day, hopefully you will be here too. Thanks, Angie. #day2

Posted : 17th August 2014 8:24 pm
Posts: 0


Posted : 19th August 2014 8:52 am
Posts: 0

That's so true! ;( #day5

Posted : 19th August 2014 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi angie

Day 6 today well done

Concentrate on abstaining one day at a time watch those days build up

We only win if we don't play

Suzanne x

Posted : 20th August 2014 3:05 pm

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