Hi everyone thanks for being so open and helpful so far 🙂
I've been on and off betting for many years and self excluded from shops for 18 months but every time my 18 months is up i do go back in as i think i can ''handle it'' but it always ends the same way panick betting chasing a loss , yes this time only lasted 2 weeks and lost just a little more than i can afford but i can win that back from today by self exclusion and saving so yes I WILL BE THE WINNER as i aim to get my money back through tight saving for next few weeks or however long it takes as this is the only way we can win and keep on winning :).
I will be on here everyday to update as i progress this horrible addiction , luckily i'm very open with my wife so have nothing to hide.
So day 1 , I got w**********l , toals both self excluded , l*******s denied me and told me to come back after 24 hours ???? i made a complaint and head office rang them and of course i was at fault as i had no photo's but i had loads , she was handing me a reinstate to gambling for which i had to go back in 3 times to get the correct form !!!
So tomorrow's aim i have 3 more bookmakers to visit l*******s being the closet so i'll get that done early , and i hope 1 more , another is further away but will get that sorted the next time were up that way and i have someone with me .
Gamstop i've used last year so can't do anything online and it doesn't tempt me either , i seem to be an easy fix if i can't enter a shop or do a bet online then it doesn't bother me at all .
I hope everyone new and old on the forum is doing well and i will follow most journals and i hope use can get behind my up's and down's, today was a bit of a downer with not being allowed to self exclude but i will smile at her tomorrow and slap it down on the counter with pride as we should be proud of getting help and fighting to a better life and better mental health.
All the very best, just keep at it and take each day ... one at a time.Â
Some say that the bug never goes away but stays in remission, just like any other addiction.
Besides everything else, belief in oneself and win by staying away for another day and let the days keep adding together.
All the best, stay strong.
Day 2 ,
Firstly Thanks for replying , it means alot 🙂
Well today i had no access to the car and my wife was away in it so never got to the shop to do my exclusion but i will in the morning when she is with me , but i've only the smallest of urges at the moment as i know i need to get it excluded and if i don't then i know it's only 1 mad turn , but i will stay strong a fight any urge today/tonight and get it done in the morning, but so far so good .
The only thing i feel really today is still a little guilt for stepping of the wagon but i have to use that guilt i feel as power to carry on what i'm doing as without guilt we wouldn't feel we have an issue or problem 😉
I hope everyone is doing well today and will be in chat later .
Hi everyone! I'm new to this but I've tried to stop on my own and I can't manage to do it! I've gamstopped that's helped as I was losing £*** a day at my worst however I still struggle massively with arcades and fruit machinesÂ
Day 3,
This morning i felt extreme guilt again , i was hoping my wife would of came wife me to self exclude this morning as i couldn't get yesterday but she decided to go for coffee with her sister , so i woke up with extreme guilt , anxiety and a little bit of fear , do i go to a few shops today on my own or hold out again and run that risk of convincing myself i can do 1 more .........................
No i went out more determined that ever i was doing this for me now , so i got 5 l*******s done , drove another 21 mile and got 1 more independent bookmaker done, so this past 3 days in total i've excluded from 18 bookmakers within a 40 mile radius of me ......... I've 3 more to do which is all the same shop so just the 1 visit to 1 shop and the full 3 will be done and this nightmare of what if , or can i do this alone . YES I CAN!!!!Â
So this morning i won what many would call nothing or a small battle , but when your standing in temptation it's a big battle if your in that mind set , luckily i wasn't and even had to sit and wait 20 minutes in 1 for them to do it for me and i waited very happliy ........
So this morning i'm winning , let's hope i can do the next one as soon as possible while i have the inner strenght and fight in me.
Dear zorro,
Thank you for your posts and well done for the steps you have already taken; it sounds like recording your progress here is also encouraging you to keep going, and we are here to offer you any support that you may need.Â
I wonder if you have heard about the MOSES scheme, which is where you can register to self-exclude from multiple bookmakers at once. You don't even need to go in to the shops, you just call 0800 294 2060 (you'll need to supply a copy of photo ID and a photograph) and an adviser will be able to help you map out a list of shops you wish to exclude from.
As well as gambling blocks, it might also be useful to consider some treatment support. As well as the restrictions you are putting in place to prevent yourself gambling, treatment will help you to address any underlying reasons or contributing factors as to why you might be gambling at all.Â
if you would like to arrange this, please contact one of our advisers either on our netline (web chat) or helpline on 0808 2030 133, both available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and we can make a referral to our local services for you.
Wishing you all the very best,
Forum Admin
Hi Admin ,Â
There is no MOSES scheme support where i live i'm afraid so have to do the hard work ourseleves.
So I felt even more determined after a quick sleep and went and drove another 40 mile and I'm now excluded from everything within a 50 mile radius of my home which is more than I've ever done in the past so I'm very happy with today's work, was I tempted or how did I feel doing this on my own this time, yes very very tempted I had a real urge and thought about it and the after effects rather than just doing it, does this make me brave I'm not so sure but it proves I have will power if I want to use it and I had to dig deep.Â
Maybe I tried to do too many on my own as that's now just over 30 a lot more than I knew of but when I asked shops they told me no there's more around every corner.Â
If this gives anyone help even 1 person that hasn't got the help of the Moses scheme to do it please go with out money or with someone, I had to take some money with me for fuel and food just incase so it didn't help but I'm out the other side with day 3 more or less done for me.Â
Day 4 ,
Well today so far has just be some what of a normal day so far no stress or drama , feeling rather good about the gambling side of life . I've got a birthday dinner to attend tonight aswell so that will pass my evening for a couple of hours aswell , so yeah i can call this one now another successful day even if it is earlier i'm 110% positive on it 😉
I notice journals are very quite and not many posters /followers but i'll carry this on for myself if it's ok for forum rules.
Zorro, so pleased to hear your day has felt normal. It is funny how we come to appreciate that so much. Have a lovely evening. You are doing just fine x
Zorro, so pleased to hear your day has felt normal. It is funny how we come to appreciate that so much. Have a lovely evening. You are doing just fine x
Thanls Murlo ,
Your exactly right when our minds aren't overloaded with 1 thing then we notice there's alot more happening around us.
Hope your doing good aswell.
Day 5,
Well this morning i was able to put back 10% savings of what i wasted this is now my aim is to save it all back up i've set myself no time frame just what i can afford and when i can afford it as i won't be putting pressure on myself for it but it's giving me a new target aswell and should make me feel good once i hit it.
To early yet to say how my day will go but so far so good and i can't see it changing as i've no temptation i hope to watch the footy today on the tv stress and bet free .
I'll update later on how it went.
Update Day 5,
So i've made it 🙂 , i did feel a little guilt today so even avoided watching the football even though i watch quite a bit with or without betting but i just felt a little off with that guilt feeling still lingering .
Is it a good thing ........Yeah in a weird way it is as it reminds me what follows after gambling and losses but i hope tomorrow i can maybe watch a game with no guilty feelings as today i just wasted the day away but i guess i spent more of it chatting with all the family and that made the day go in quicker .
Day 6 ,
Well today same as yesterday i'm still feel that guily ,gut feeling but my mind is slowly clearing i'm starting to think of something to pass my boredom ......I'm not sure as yet what that will be but i need the channel that into a new hobby or a few new hobbies and free if possible.
Overall today has been easier and currently watching the football so i can't complain on how it's went compared to the first few days and i expect as the days and weeks move forward that bad feeling of guilt will go.
I hope everyone reading this is winning there on battle.
Day 7,
So here i am 7 days in , it might not be a lot but in terms of gambling it can be alot of money not wasted , so i'm a little proud of myself but still feel guilt a little..........
Today i just plan as i have the past 6 just go with the flow and avoid any thoughts of gambling even though in my mind i know it's not possible as all the steps are in place , so i can say now i will get through today and make it 7 full days .....
I hope everyone is doing well and battling hard each day or hour at a time 🙂 😉
Affected by gambling?
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We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.