well done Zorro!!
massive achievement from yourself, be very proud.
well done Zorro!!
massive achievement from yourself, be very proud.
Thank you very Much Kramllewop it's really appeciated.
Day 8,
So here i am 7 full days GF and now onto the 8th , this morning i've woken up with less guilt about though i'm sure it will come into my head a few times during the day which isn't a bad thing as it reminds me why i'm here and why i'm going GF.
I'm just hoping this week my own mind will become a little clearer and stop dwelling on it and focus on going foward which i am doing as much as possible but i'd love to focus and stay focused ...I guess it's only myself that can try and power through and find what suits or works for me and do it.
Juse as a note and to fellow readers i only find it easy no to G..... as i've took away any temptation and have every block in place to prevent me so it really does ease your mind or at least put the thoughts out of it really quickly as you know you just can even if the urge is strong 😉
I hope everyone is doing aswell as they can possibly do also.
Well that is day 8 over and for whatever reason still getting that feeling of guilt rush over me , at this stage i'm starting to hope it would leave as i want to move forward but i guess it's like getting a reminder why i'm on this journey and of course having a quick read through my own posts helps loads as i might not show much emotion in them but it takes me back from day 1 until today so i hope it helps in 6 months time as a reminder .
Day 9,
Well today has been just a normal day no real thoughts about betting just still the lingering of guilt of how stupid i was or can be but i'm going along each day now getting stronger i hope , will i face temptation at some point i'm not sure i hope not as i can't see how or when i'll be near it so i hope my days will become easier and start not being so hard on myself for letting myself down and see the positive's that every day GF i'm actually the winner for that day as i've kept my money in my pocket 😉
Day, 11
Well here we are day 10 and 11 has past so on target and doing well , the guilt is getting lesser by the day , i do get the odd thought about a bet but it soon goes away .
I hope everyone is staying strong 🙂
Day 13,
Still doing well and staying strong while this weekend i've been able to watch various sports with no temptation .
Well done zorro!
Be proud of yourself for how far you have come!
Well done zorro!
Be proud of yourself for how far you have come!
Thank you, it hasn't been all plain sailing especially during the first 10 days or so but I'm feeling loads better with myself which helps deal with the gambling side too.Â
Day 14, ?
Well another day over and I was able to enjoy various sports all over the weekend without any guilty feeling and more importantly no urges!!!!
I am well aware 14 days isn't much as each day could bring a new challenge but I'm also proud too that I've feeling better within myself and that guilty feeling of messing up is getting easier by the day and more or less gone.Â
I hope everyone is doing well and let the fight continue ???
Day 17 ,
Just another day going past with ease which i'm really pleased about .
Had no feelings of guilt for a few days then late last night i got a wave of it after 11 and it was like a reminder that i still have a way to go to save back what i have lost .
I've now 20% saved back on what i've lost and i can also look at it as gained too as no doubt i would of lost alot more than that never mind saving anything back so i have to remind myself on it that it might seem like a slow process repairing the damage but it's the correct way and have to learn to no longer be hard on myself about it as i need to move on mentally now about the loss and give myself a longer time frame on replacing it , but i think with a clear head i've done excellent .Â
Day 18,
Well it seems my days are counting up rather quick and i'm doing it with ease at the moment anyway the only thing i still get a hard reminder of is guilt and sometimes i fear this will push me into 1 more time but i'm staying strong and ignoring it now but like everyone says it's 1 day at a time and 1 fight everyday no matter how hard or easy it is for you.
Day 20 ,Â
Well another few days over and doing well , still some guilt from a few weeks ago which i wish i could get over but i guess it's a small reminder not to go back there as this is the mental toture we have to endure for the weeks following a relapse.
I hope everyone is doing good also 😉
Been a while since i updated 🙂
Day 35 ,
So i'm progressing nicely but slowly as saving back what i lost has been alot harder and slow than i imagined but i guess it should make me value money from now on and i/we can't just throw it around on bets , i will keep going on trying to save it back but have decided to ease the pressure from myself and gave myself until end of may instead of march like i planned when i stopped so i will get there hopefully or close to it .
The main thing i have no urges at all and i'm enjoying watching all the sports i would of bet on so that is a real bonus for me as i do love watching the sports at the weekend .
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