Today is the day

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Today is the day i start afresh. Last night, i did the hardest thing i've ever had to do, tell my parents that their son, namely me, has a gambling problem, and its the best thing i've ever done. I feel like part of the weight on my shoulders has been removed, and i can see some light at the end of the tunnel. I've tried self stopping before , made it 5 months without gambling, my vice was the poison known as online slots, i'd try anything to self exclude, but i'd find myself opening another account with slightly amended details. I had, and still have a problem. I'm fortunate enough to have only run up £1700 of debt before today's epithany moment, and im fortnate enough to have some shares i can sell to cover that, but that was my future, going towards a house deposit, and i'm P****d off with myself for losing it, but as my mum said to me tonight, its only money, the most important thing is you've admitted you have a problem.

This is day 1 of my recovery, and i'd appreciate any advise or tips.


Posted : 31st January 2015 1:05 am
Posts: 4422


Fella welcome to the forum, a place full of like minded folk who share the same goal, to arrest that all important next punt. You will find a wealth of support and some amazing advice here.

You took that huge step into recovery by admitting your shortfalls, from that you have gifted yourself something amazing, build upon it.

My advice is the same advice that was gifted to me on my first days recovery, it still works today over three years on.

There is a triangle time-money-location

Take one away and the next punt becomes impossible Gifting the rational side of the brain time to think, time to take control.

Take all the help out there, self exclusion, block your computer, use this amazing forum, use your parents anything to gift yourself the opportunity to see what recovery can gift you.

There is no cure, medicine for us the compulsive gambler, there is a way, a choice for life.

Embrace it, it is the gift that never stops giving.

I look forward to reading your progress.

Be kind to yourself

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 31st January 2015 8:31 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks guys.

Ive learnt over the last 24 hours that the old adage of "a problem shared is a problem halved", and i have an amazing and understanding family and group of friends who are there for me whenever and for whatever.

Its made me realise how lucky i really am.

Posted : 1st February 2015 12:22 am
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3 days and counting.

Next target, one week.

These f*****g adverts for all these online casinos are doing me head in. Should be banned like tobacco ads.

Posted : 2nd February 2015 10:42 pm
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Well, I lasted 3 weeks before I showed my weakness and caved in.
The only person who can beat this affliction is me, my own strength of will.
That's the thing I buzz when I win, but I always want more chasing back previous losses, trouble is I then lose even more, but then that's what the casinos want.
Time to start again, this is Day 1 of my 2nd attempt, this time I have to come through it, or the consequences are horrific.

Posted : 28th February 2015 2:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi, don't think about the sum of money lost, forget about it, forget what it could of done for you and focus on the energy and strength you'll need to not lose another £! Self exclusion is critical, it's great your parents are with you and understand, give them power over your finances if you can, give them your cards, don't allow yourself to know your card numbers, get them to change your PIN number, this addiction / illness can soon escalate beyond your control, you only have to read other people's stories to see that! Stay strong, ignore the urges and whispers in your mind, if you truely want to win, just don't play! Be successful! I want to read more about your success, day 7 for me, it took me 35 years of gambling before I joined this site, needless to say, I've lost so much, but I'm now winning every day!!!! Be strong, don't make the excuse if there's too much temptation, it's everywhere....we are all here because we feel vulnerable, we are also here for support, log in and read, I'm on here at silly o clock for that reason, this time last week, (my last ever day of gambling) I was watching £500 a spin on a roulette's not about the money, I'd be crying more over a single pound if I done it again now!!!!

Posted : 28th February 2015 2:53 am
Posts: 0

Well done on making it back to day one again, its not the failing that matters, its having the courage to try again, we will not be beaten.

So forget whats gone and lets focus on the future, one day at a time - we will not be beaten

much love



Posted : 28th February 2015 7:08 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for all the support.
18 hours now, and I haven't even thought about gambling.
The long evenings are the worst, at least in the summer everyone is out and about, and it takes my mind off it.
I will beat this, this time, 3 weeks, will be 3 months then 3 years then forever this time..

Posted : 28th February 2015 7:53 pm
Posts: 0

You will bungle! How did you get on today?



Posted : 1st March 2015 7:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi are you getting on? We're all here if you need us,

Much love



Posted : 10th March 2015 7:10 pm
Posts: 0
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Well I've relapsed.

Put £50 in, won £905.

Left the withdrawl the 2 days b******s like they ask, ended up cancelling it and blowing it.


It's not the money that frustrates me this time, it was going 132 days, still we'll restart the clock and we will get past 132 days next time.

Posted : 11th June 2015 10:20 pm

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