When your partner doesn’t understand...

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I know. I have always been a reader but never for that long. Felt so relaxed today! 

Posted : 19th August 2019 11:30 pm
Posts: 15

Great stuff cat, feeling pleased for you, stay strong xx

Posted : 19th August 2019 11:34 pm
Posts: 61
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Day 18 today! 

Im starting to feel like I’ve turned a corner. I still get urges but I don’t want to gamble. I’m pushing into three weeks!

Tomorrow is my first CBT sessions and that is making me a little anxious. mainly because I really don’t know what to expect. I’ve never done anything before therefore my only frame of reference is what you see on TV. 

Anyway, not going to let it stop me. This recovery is so important to me. I feel like this time my kids are counting on me. Also, like I have come so far it would be stupid to go back and undo all that hard work now.

I am going to see a friend tonight and I am looking forward to it. She’s the friend I told all about my gambling a week or so a go. 

So, plans for today. Read some more of my book, clean the living room, tidy up, do some ironing, sort kids out, walk to the shop, visit my friend.


Posted : 20th August 2019 6:32 am
Posts: 3

Well done cat you are doing so well! I have been following, i have gambled today! 🙁 im gutted, £30 down. New day for me tomorrow! How did you go about getting CBT? I think i need this too, cant seem to stop the addiction on my own and its by far way past a problem its affecting everything!

good on you though!! Keep going, you can do


This post was modified 6 years ago by glcadd1
Posted : 20th August 2019 9:23 pm
Posts: 61
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Arghhh! CBT session today and I’m feeling terrible! Bad anxiety. I am going, it will be hard but this is part of it. 

I watching documentaries on YouTube about gambling to reinforce how bad it is!! 

If I could gamble today, I probably would. But I won’t! 

Posted : 21st August 2019 8:09 am
Posts: 15

Hi Cat, well just look at it as a step in the process of recovery, most things that we do not know about or consider to be difficult are usually at first very threatening and freighting, but hey this is not just for you this is for your family, friends etc


You will become that I guess normal person that we as addicts strive to become 

Posted : 21st August 2019 8:13 am
Posts: 61
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I’ve quiet for a couple of day (and not because I’ve been gambling) 

following my first CBT session, I’ve felt really good. I’ve been continuing with my reading and spending very little time on my phone. I’ve been out with the kids, cleaned the house, and started the back to work/school prep. 

Focusing on keeping money in the bank, paying bills, not gambling and finding a new hobby to keep my busy. 

I’m on day 22 (I think?) and the urges are subsiding but haven’t gone, don’t want to get too complacent. Ordered the Allan Carr book about gambling which I look forward to start reading once I’ve finished The Kite Runner and A Thousand Spendid Suns.

Just got to keep telling myself I don’t want/need to gamble.  

Posted : 23rd August 2019 6:07 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hi Catbradley

Glad to hear your CBT went well and that you're feeling good. Enjoy your books 🙂

glcadd1, you asked how to get CBT - we offer free treatment through a network of local treatment partners. Our model of care uses a CBT approach. We also support partners, friends and family and we offer family and couple treatment. To find out more about accessing free treatment through us, call the HelpLine on 0808 8020 133 or chat to us on the NetLine, or you can read about our treatment at our website:


Best wishes

Forum Admin

Posted : 24th August 2019 9:15 am
Posts: 61
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I had the nicest day yesterday, we sat out in the garden all day. Toys out for the kids, plenty for them to do in the garden (trampoline, tree house, slides, Wendy house ect) put the Lego out. Kids loved it and were no bother. 

Me and my partner sat and read and chilled and chatted. 

I read an entire book and a half in one day. 

This week I have been feeling so different. I’m not as stressed or anxious and I’m actually enjoying my life. 

Please let it continue!

Posted : 25th August 2019 8:01 am
Posts: 61
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3 days in the house and feeling my anxiety creeping back in. 

Need to do something and stop myself thinking about gambling 

Posted : 26th August 2019 11:44 am
Posts: 61
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28 days! 4 whole weeks and no gambling!!! 

Whoooopp whoooop go me! 

So I’ve been reading the Allan Carr book ‘easy way to stop gambling’ it’s so good and is really helping. 

No thoughts of gambling, no urges. Just enjoying life I suppose. 

Staying positive. 4 days till I’m back to work after 6 weeks off. My days will be full and less time to think/stress/worry about gambling.  

Posted : 29th August 2019 10:40 pm
Posts: 61
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32 days! 32 whole days with absolutely no gambling AT ALL!! 

Spent the day today sorting debts. 4 entire balances paid off and another to go later this week. 

Feels so good to do. To think last month I would have just gambled the lot. 

Feeling positive. 

Posted : 2nd September 2019 6:53 pm
Posts: 80

The Allan Carr book is wonderful! It removes your desire to gamble. If this succedes people dont even need blocks in place! Because if that goes well, you become a clean non gambler! And non gamblers have no will to gamble, therefore no blocks needed. But still, it is a good idea because of complacency!

Posted : 3rd September 2019 1:10 am
Posts: 61
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34 days. 

Wow, how unreal is that! 

So proud of myself right now. 

Posted : 4th September 2019 9:35 pm
Posts: 920

You are doing brilliantly! Every day gets better and better. Keep on going. 

Love from Drama x 

Posted : 4th September 2019 9:39 pm
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