Nearly 1 year on from the worst time of my life

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Hi all,

I've previously had threads and been a fairly heavy contributor however over the last few months I login less and less as I feel comfortable with my situation.

It has nearly been a year since my last online bet and I am within touching distance of being financially free.

I haven't done this in what many would call a conventional way. I have never been to a gamcare meeting, never handed over my finances fully and I still do the lottery, sweepstakes etc with no issue (im not encouraging this for all as I know we all have different stories / gambling levels)

My gambling problem was purely online (sports betting). My kick up the backside was such a wake up call for me that I've kicked that completely without feeling tempted for months. I'm still not naive to think there isn't a potentially for slipping back but so much has been planned in the last 12 months and I love the new found independence I've developed.

My message would be:

Find the best thing that works for your situation and don't feel recovery is black and white thing. In the same time do not avoid things because it might be embarrassing if it will aid with the recovery. Most importantly perhaps don't think there is no way back. My situation was no where near as bad as many I had read here however I was in a personally in very low place financially and mentally.

I wish everyone luck and thank you to all who have assisted in my recovery by sharing your stories on here.

I wish the best to you all and will continue to use this site, most likely indefinitely.

Posted : 29th September 2015 3:50 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Hi Fighter_1,

Thanks for all your contribution to the Forum. It's so nice to read about your success story.

I’m glad that you also got something back from stories you read from here. This is how it works; supporting each other.

I do agree that different things work for different people, and therefore, it's advisable to continue with what works for you, and at the same time, to search for new strategies as well, and to find out if any would also work in addition to what you already know?

We look forward to reading more of your posts, and pls. keep up the good work.

Well done, you!

Best wishes,


Posted : 15th October 2015 4:13 pm
Posts: 372


congratulations on your year free gambling it is so good to read of your success, I am 6 days into discovering my 25 year old son has a gambling problem that has been going on for two years. I fear for him, emotionally and financially, I have been bailing him out thinking it has just been mismanagement of his wages. I have now been advised by so many people on forums to stop giving him money as it is not helping him as he is not feeling the effects. I don't want him to feel so low and desperate but will have to stick with it, I have told him I will support him just not financially. Well done again you shud be proud of yourself.

Posted : 2nd December 2015 6:10 pm
Posts: 0

I'm in a similar position to you Fighter. My vice was FOBTs. On December 22nd I will be debt free and not too long after Xmas I'll be having my 1st holiday in 21 years 😉 I too still play Thunderball (£2 but not on every draw). I was 55 days clean from FOBTs but relapsed and have now been clean for 22 days. On my relapse I only spent the £372 in my pocket, and although I had bank/credit cards I didn't dip into them. I see that as slight progress as in the past I'd of maxed all the cards out to their daily limit.

Personaly I'd like to be a controlled gambler. Pop in for a few minutes, then walk out. At some point I'll try that and if it fails I know I'll have to stop completely. Who knows what'll happen until one tries?

Good luck for your future 🙂

Posted : 10th December 2015 9:14 pm
Posts: 372

Hey jigsaw - what is fobt please. - I asked on a previous post what people thought about controlled gambling as I was going to suggest this to my son. He doesn't want to hand over control of finances. He works away from home, back every two weeks (although he is at home now on standby til Jan), I was going to suggest one prepaid card for food petrol etc and one pre paid card with £50 on a week and leave his normal bank card at home. My reasoning is £50 a week is better than £300 a week if he looses the £50 then it's gone he has to choose wether to eat or gamble then. I've draughted a letter I am sending to gambling firms, self excluding him. I'm gonna sign his name. Sneaky I know!! Well sneaky protective mother. Keep up your good work. Looked for fb page took me to musical groups! Are you all in a rock band haha. I'm a decent singer!

Posted : 14th December 2015 9:32 pm
Posts: 1701

Fobt is fixed odds betting terminal. It's essentially a machine in a bookies where punters play roulette, blackjack and online slots. Throughout the day from open to close you will see lost souls stationed at these machines wasting hours of their lives. Lucky I haven't been into this machines or no doubt id be in deeper trouble. They should be avoided like the plague. They are so profitable that bookies are limited to four machines per shop! The industry even knows that these things are not for entertainment they are for addicts.

Posted : 15th December 2015 12:07 am
Posts: 372

Change - isn't that disgraceful, it's like taking advantage of people's illness.

Posted : 15th December 2015 5:42 am
Posts: 0

I never realized there was a reply to my post. Personally I think sending letters and signing them in his name is very wrong. Quite obviously as his Mum you're concerned but committing acts of forgery isn't really the way to go about it. I would even go as far as to say it could be counterproductive. He's not ready to admit the bigger problem yet and forcing this upon him through forgery could push him futher into gambling to escape.

Posted : 20th December 2015 2:44 pm
Posts: 149
Topic starter

Can't believe how quickly the time flies by!

still loving life as it is. Feels like distant memories that I was embroiled in a life of turmoil and destruction!

Wishing everyone the best

Posted : 6th October 2016 11:56 am

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