One day at a time

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I would hesitate to class myself as a "Success story" now fully aware that I am and always will be a gambler, only one slip away from returing to my bad old ways. My last bet was on 18th August, 2007 the bulk of the credit for this goes to unstinting support I received from my Number 1 supporter and the lady who first told me about the Gamcare wife.

Although we were many miles apart, me in Scotland and she in Canada we talked occasionally, then more & more often until it blossomed into every night. From there we met up and got engaged, married the following year and while it would be untrue to say we have lived happily ever after....we have lived gamble free.

While I found the recovery diary a fabulous way to put down my own personal thoughts, receive the well wishes / advice of others in similar situations. I honestly could not have made it without the love / support of someone truly special to me.

I think it's important not to set up any specific targets or to think too far into the future, each day is an achievement, another step in the right direction. Reading other people's diaries also gave me ideas of finding ways to occupy my time better, how to deal with the urges when they became almost over powering and to step away from the temptation to bet.

Initially I had to accept I had a problem, which in itself was difficult as I thought I had things under control, could stop IF I wanted too (Not true) The journey was certainly not easy, I had a slip up on the way but realised I needed to get right back and start again, learning from

my mistakes. As the days became, weeks, then months into years gambling has become of no interest to me at all, although I am fully aware that all it takes is one bet, the rush of always backing a winner and I could be right back where I started, only worse as I would know

how badly I have let myself down and worse still my wife who deserves so much better. Even today some years on my stupidity still

causes us problems, my lack to future planning (No pension, life insurance etc) all that money wasted, thrown away, the time / energy

which could have been put to much better use. I can't change my past, but I CAN ensure a better future and that is what I am doing today

taking one day at a time.....Today I did not gamble, I don't need to say it out loud, or tell anyone but I can look my wife in the eye and smile

together we can enjoy OUR lives gamble free. When I see her smile, those sparkling eyes, I know I can never disappoint her.

I hope others are as lucky as I feel I am, find someone special that will support / encourage and inspire you to a better life.

I am not "cured" but I am happy and don't feel any need to return to gambling for any false hopes it may bring.

We are all different and may take varying routes...but I thank Boxey (Sharon) for finding Gamcare which helped me onto the right path.

Posted : 17th November 2014 9:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Willie,

What a lovely inspiring honest post.

The biggest congratulations to you on being gamble free for so long.

Thank you for sharing

Best wishes

Suzanne xx

Posted : 18th November 2014 11:39 am
Posts: 0


This could be my story (& will be in many years time)...The websites & my incredible partner have 'saved' me!

It is great to see it all in one place, start to finish from someone who gets that even after all this time in 'recovery' & not finding a cure, they are not afraid!

Thank you for writing my story from the future...This is an inspiration!

Posted : 23rd November 2014 9:58 pm
Posts: 0

I am doing the same as you now I'm looking for a better future and wil not ever gamble again I now it sounds easier the It is but I swear to god this time it won't ever happen I've been gamble free 35 days today which I am proud of for myself and going thru anxiety because of quitting the gambling . But I'm still going strong and positive I'm going to do this but thanks for posting ur story it has helped and made my memory even stronger now . Sam

Posted : 26th November 2014 3:55 pm
Posts: 51
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Received word yesterday that my 5 year trust deed has now been completed, I believe outwith Scotland it is more commonly described as a Debt Management plant whereby you have to pay x amount per month to offset previous debts. It has been a very long & hard road...but now finally I can see clear daylight ahead. I have no doubts at all that there will still be some hurdles to be cleared but gambling will NOT be one of them

Posted : 7th March 2015 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Pleased to hear your news williebhoy1967. Shows what can be achieved.

Best wishes for the future.

Posted : 8th March 2015 11:06 pm
Posts: 0

HUGE KUDOS to you my friend, I will follow in your footsteps, if I relapse,which I will do my utmost not to ,I will read your story again & again,so very proud of you,love to you & your wonderful spouse ( mine is my "rock to cling to & give me total suuport"),

Lulu xxx

Posted : 15th May 2015 9:23 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Congratulations willybhoy1967! Thank you so much for coming back to the forum to share your success story. And congratulations on being gamble free and completing your trust deed - a fresh start in so many ways. All the best to you in the future.


Forum Admin.

Posted : 17th May 2015 8:57 am
Posts: 0

Great post Willybhoy1967. Great to hear you success story and your focus in not letting that guard drop too much! Thanks for sharing.

Posted : 8th July 2015 12:55 pm

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