Best Anti-Gambling One Liners

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Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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Today, I will chose to not gamble

Posted : 5th August 2017 12:56 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

you will not win becuase you will not stop

I no longer gamble but I am a gambling addict

One Day At A Time

Make whatever you lost on your last bet the best money you ever spent

When I gamble, I lie, I manipulate and destroy the lives of those around me, let alone my own

Posted : 8th August 2017 4:44 pm
Posts: 2148

Some very good lines there Compulsive. I tend to keep all those In mind. I need a couple of paragraphs to think about 🙂

One of my key points is that it may always be within me. It keeps me focused that I must never be complacent. My self exclusions have worked really well and Im thinking about stepping that up to a life ban. I dont think they offer life bans but they should do

I certainly want to make the next round of renewals easier and make sure they know who I am. I must never feel that I am remotely welcome in any gambling den.

I dont go out aimlessly without some sort of real plan. I need to be with people

I talk about my progress with family and close friends. Just talking about how I manage money easier now really helps.

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

Posted : 8th August 2017 5:55 pm
Posts: 0

It's not really a one liner but in the early stages of my recovery when the urges were strong I would have a conversation with myself.

I would constantly ask myself what would the person I want to be do? And the person I want to be is in control, takes full responsibility for my actions and is gamble free.

All the best


check out my blog

Posted : 11th August 2017 4:54 pm
Posts: 0

Firstly nice thread CG, I look forward to seeing a few more people get involved.

Aftraid i haven't got any good ones to add at the moment but if i come across any i'll let you all know.

Think i could do with a good little mantra, so i hope you dont mind but i'm going to steal one of yours.

Posted : 12th August 2017 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

All we need to do is avoid the 1st bet!

Posted : 12th August 2017 4:30 pm

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