Bookies already trying to get around the £2 FOBT limits

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So it seems the bookies are already trying to get around the £2 FOBT reduction. Introducing new games which are effectively roulette but to even higher stakes than the £100 they were previously.

This is the link to the full article - I guess this is ok to put the link here?

I struggle to believe there are people in positions of authority within these businesses that actually think this is ok to do.Makes me want to go and live in a cave when I realise some of the people I have to share the earth with.


Posted : 2nd April 2019 3:58 pm
 A 9
Posts: 504

Hi Mustop :)).

I don't think for one minute that anyone thought they wouldn't try and introduce something new to fill the void and more importantly to them , their coffers .

That being said the onus is always going to be on us not to venture in again whatever they throw our way , gamblings gambling and however we choose to do it will sadly not change a thing.

FOBTs were my downfall , dog's didn't have the same effect nor did horses and I've never gambled online , would I go play again those that caused me no concern ? Never, simply because to do so would again fuel the fire that's now thankfully extinguised .

Simply put as an old friend once said " If there's no first bet , there won't be a second " .

Stay well my friend and thank's for the head's up :))

Posted : 2nd April 2019 6:11 pm
Posts: 856

Utter disgrace this can happen, it proves what an evil industry this is .

I can’t see this having any appeal to those ruined by these terminals but it’s the mere fact the firms are doing it this way that sickens me.They have no care for the misery it causes, it’s legal drug pushing .....I’m beginning to utterly hate bookies now.

Sorry but this report is sickening

Posted : 2nd April 2019 7:40 pm
Posts: 856

Just heard on the news both bookies have pulled the games after a warning, thank god

Posted : 2nd April 2019 9:07 pm
Posts: 506
Topic starter

Yes, heard that on the news this morning. Good news but just goes to show how desperate they are to find other ways to pray on problem gamblers. How many people in this country can afford to play games at £500 a spin??!!

They are not going to give up, either coming up with new games in bookies that just skate around the new laws or focus even more attention on attracting people to online gambling. These people have no morals - we just all need to use every tool, block and piece of willpower to stay away from these businesses.


Posted : 3rd April 2019 7:18 am
Posts: 2148

All I can stress is that it is dangerous drug pushing with the full backing of the law

Drug pushers supplying addicts with the green light from the law. You couldnt make this stuff up and its a scheme that even they cant really believe they are getting away with....Keeerching!

So with a green light it doesnt take much imagination to realise what the gambling dens are discussing in their meetings, how they feel obliged to push the boundaries and have a laugh about it.

One day this will be widely be seen as the deeply serious scandal that it is . Thats putting it mildly for this forum. When is that day coming because I feel that I have no voice in the matter...Write to my mp who is towing the party tax line??....yeah right!

Posted : 3rd April 2019 3:42 pm
Posts: 0

Just proves what a dirty, greedy and unethical industry it is. Just reinforces my will to stop entirely.

Posted : 5th April 2019 10:50 pm
Posts: 856

On another note, did i hear correct that c****s are advocating banning all tv and radio betting advertising and also football sponsorship, seems weird they would since they started it and gain enormously from it.

Posted : 26th April 2019 11:38 am
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

But it also costs them a LOT of money and by taking the 'ethical' decision to do this means they keep the regulators on board for their bigger battles and both the gambling companies and the government* can claim to have taken big steps towards tackling the gambling problem and will in turn put the emphasis firmly back on the individuals and keep as much of the addiction side as they can out of the news. 

*I don't want to get political as in this isn't a slight against the 'tories' - I think the main parties are all toothless in this regard, it's more a symptom of our democratic structure

2018 - £500 FOBT Limits and virtually continuous adverts

2019 - £2 limits and less adverts - looks like big progress to a non-gambler

Gambling ID cards are the only thing I can see ever working but I can't see how they would ever be funded.  My theory being you have to have one of these to be able to gamble in any form, it has to be scanned on every bet (Fruit Machines/ FOBT would have to accept the cards) and you are able to set limits that can only be raised with 7 days notice and only once in a twelve month period.  There could also be limits on the number of bets etc you would get monthly statements etc.  Saying that about funding, I'd actually pay £500 for one of these on the proviso I can set a lifetime restriction on it.  In fact I'd probably pay even more than that.

anyway, I've wandered off topic somewhat!



Posted : 26th April 2019 4:38 pm

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