DVT and gambling addiction?

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Hi I was recently told that I have a blood clot in my leg, when the doctors were diagnosing my symptoms they said because of my age 35, they did not see why I would have a blood clot & that it is a sign of something else more sinister going on. I had to have xrays of my chest and a scan on my leg and also a test for breast cancer but apart from the scan showing a large clot in my lower leg, everything else was clear.

At the time i was playing online slots for hours per day and I did not mention that I had problems with gambling but I’ve just googled blood clot/addiction and a few things came up! 
Has anybody else experienced a blood clot or DVT as it is called? 
I’d be interested if anyone else has/had!


Posted : 23rd June 2020 9:45 am
Posts: 1013

Apparently there is such a thing as gamers thrombosis which is caused by sitting in one position too long. Any gamer can be an addict...Xbox etc. How long would you sit in one position gambling jadie??

Posted : 23rd June 2020 1:37 pm
Posts: 1013

Are you better now jadie ? Has it been sorted ? Best wishes.

Posted : 23rd June 2020 1:39 pm
Posts: 4881

No iv'e never experienced a blood clot, but am not surprised that other wise healthy people do.

It's like I know what its like to spend long periods of time sitting in the same position, gambling. I mean more than 24 hours with just the odd dash to the loo or to make coffee. If you think about it, if your gambling away your wages your probably in a high state of stress as well, so your body is tense. If your also dehydrated then anything is a possible. Iv'e certainly had muscle cramps when iv'e gone to stand and walk.

Similar to long haul plane flights, they advise to stand and walk to stop the blood pooling.

Your experience is just another reason amongst many, not to gamble.

Posted : 23rd June 2020 6:25 pm
Posts: 176

Hi Jadie,

I work in a DVT clinic and the prolonged immobility may have potentially provoked it, did you have any leg symptoms? There are other things like oral contraceptive, surgery, leg fracture etc that can provoke it. You will usually be reviewed by a haematologist in a few months who may request some additional blood tests for you (esp if they can’t find a provoking factor) just to make sure you don’t have any clotting problems. It’s worth mentioning the mobility restriction to the dr when you get a review as they would factor lots of things in to determine how long you need to be on the blood thinner for.

I’m glad they found the clot and you were put on treatment, wishing you a fast recovery. X

Posted : 23rd June 2020 7:58 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi all thanks for your responses I recently was diagnosed with diabetes but do not take any meds yet, they did all the tests and all came back on apart from the scan which showed the actual clot! The doctor who was dealing with me didn’t think it would be a clot because age, weight etc but I really feel the constant stress and panic I would feel if I’d lost a lot and the stress of trying to recoup my losses added to a health factors I was experiencing at the time. I did sit or stand for sometimes hours before I would snap out of that zombie state! My ankles always swell up and I was having pain in my legs which a physiotherapist told me was a deep tissue thing but if I ever whack my leg or bruise it they last years and never fully go away! I’ve been prescribed blood thinners so hopefully it will go, I’m not too sure and haven’t had any follow ups as it’s been quarantine since, I was just interested to see if anyone else had experienced any symptoms or anything so thanks for your reply’s 

Posted : 24th June 2020 3:39 pm

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