Fantasy Sports Games..... Thoughts?

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Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

Firstly, I’d like to quickly introduce myself and my background.
I’m Dan and I first signed up on here in September 2016. Having gambled with relative control since 2005, I began to struggle with gambling when I first opened an online account in 2015. It then became an addiction. 
From around April 2015 to December 2018 (when I finally gave in and signed up to GAMSTOP), gambling had stopped being ‘fun’. It took up so much of my precious time as well as my hard earned cash. I’d always been a sports bettor but when I’d lose, I’d head straight to the online roulette to try and win my money back. I may have only lost a few pound on the football but I'd always feel aggrieved at losing money and want to win it back (and more).

Luckily, for me, I never got myself into any debt. Simply because I was too scared of being found out by my family. I gambled in secret and I was very ashamed at some of the losses I incurred. I would often gamble away my month’s wages and would be hanging on in the last few days until payday. In early 2018 I managed to go around 5 months without gambling. However, this only led me to come backer harder than ever. Losing around £1,500 in a night. 
That night I signed up to GAMSTOP for 5 years. 

Over the next couple of years I did what probably a lot of people do when on GAMSTOP. I seeked out sites that weren’t restricted by it. However, luckily again for me, I’d seen so many horror stories online of people winning and not being paid. Worse still, there were also stories of people who had been victims of having money stolen from their bank accounts by these companies who shouldn’t have been accepting players from the UK.
So, I decided to put my energy into working on WHY I felt the urge to gamble in the first place. 
I quickly realised that, for me, it wasn’t about winning money. I simply enjoyed the competitive element. I also enjoyed feeling involved with friends who liked to gamble (though they’re mostly in control....something I strived for years for). I actually hated gambling on my own. I felt dirty. 

Over the years, as I grew stronger, I’ve found other hobbies that I enjoy doing. Things that I’d neglected for a long time. Getting fit, reading, going out more for drinks to name just a few.

But I’ve discovered that I now get a lot of social enjoyment out of playing (free to play) fantasy football/cricket. Where there isn’t any risk of losing anything financially. I enjoy comparing how I do against other people.

I understand people’s views on this will be mixed and that it’s not for everyone. But for me, it has helped to stay firmly away from gambling sites whilst maintaining that social/competitive aspect and enjoyment factor that I obviously crave. I see it in the same light as someone who plays video games, such as FIFA etc. I’ve never been in to computer games. Not since I was about 15. I’m now 35. 
I’d be interested to hear peoples thoughts on this.  

Thanks for taking the time to read. 


Posted : 25th October 2022 3:43 pm

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