Gambled my wage away soon as I received it

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27 years old. Just wanted to add a post to be able to hear from other people who have struggled with addiction of gambling. I’m new to this site and needed some support. I had already lost £3000 a few months back, I then at that point signed up to gamstop. But I found a way round it and went to the casino and lost money there too. I then blocked that membership and for months just decided to save up with my wages. I got to the point after a couple months where I was in an ok position again. It came to this month and I knew that block was finished so I went back on there and to cut a long story short I ended up losing all my money including the wage I had just been given today, woke up at 4am knowing the wage will hit my account and gambled it all away. I’ve now had to download a gamban to my phone and apply for a loan from the bank to have any chance of actually being able to afford food, petrol etc for the month. I honestly cannot believe it has got to this.

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Forum admin
Posted : 23rd February 2024 9:00 am
Posts: 143

Think most people on here have been there mate, the most important thing in all this is that you actually know the steps to take, personally for me I hated going into betting shops and to this day can easily walk past them, mine was all online so I'm signed up to Gamstop I think it is until next year. Just forget about what you've lost and focus on building again. The loan will help for now but also adds more pressure to not to anything again as you can't always count on loans or increase your expenses.


Good luck 

Posted : 23rd February 2024 11:08 am
Posts: 4

I’m also in the same position I got paid on Monday and instantly blew it all even though I know I have bills to pay I still wasted it all and I cannot understand why!!! I’m so mad at myself however you have to be proud that you have taken the step forward and are doing something about it. The road ahead probably won’t be an easy one but I’m loving this forum even though I only signed up yesterday. It doesn’t make me feel so alone and I can relate to so many of the people who have posted,


thank you for sharing your story and being honest it will help somebody 

This post was modified 1 year ago by Angela21
Posted : 23rd February 2024 2:07 pm
Posts: 4

I’m also in the same Poulson I got paid on Monday and instantly blew it all even though I know I have bills to pay I still wasted it all and I cannot understand why!!! I’m so mad at myself however you have to be proud that you have taken the step forward and are doing something about it. The road ahead probably won’t be an easy one but I’m loving this forum even though I only signed up yesterday. It doesn’t make me feel so along and I can relate to so many of the people who have posted,


thank you for sharing your story and being honest it will help somebody 

Posted : 23rd February 2024 2:08 pm
Posts: 4
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@brownie889 thanks for the reply. I’ve started to be proactive and work out what I need to do over the next month this includes financially and other things to keep me active and busy. I’ve worked out I won’t need to get the loan and just use my credit card, luckily I get a bonus next month which will just pay that off and then I’ll just have my standard wage and will be debt free and at a good starting position financially to go forward without gambling.

Posted : 23rd February 2024 3:39 pm
Posts: 4
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@fy5xit6zgm It is good to talk to people going through the same thing you are right, you don’t feel as alone. Personally I have planned the month ahead both financially and what I’m going to do daily to keep me busy and active. I have worked out I don’t need the loan as I luckily get my bonus next month I can use all of that to pay off my credit card which I will use this month instead. Then come next pay day I will just have my standard wage and can move forward without any possible way of gambling both through the tools but also the thought of this experience which initially caused me a lot of stress today but when you’re at rock bottom you almost need to plan forward which is what I have done personally. It would be good to hear what you are doing and if there’s any advice I could take on anything you have done to help? Hope you are doing well!

Posted : 23rd February 2024 3:43 pm

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