General Discussion Forum

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Would there be any interest in a general discussion forum for non gambling subjects on this site?

The forums on this site are undeniably very supportive and very helpful to very many people, but it is also undeniable that this site can often be a very gloomy place to visit.

A GDF would provide some light relief, a place people could visit to discuss things that interest them and share their interests with others, hopefully supporting each other to do other things rather than gamble.

I appreciate that people might discuss the outcome of sporting events, and this might encourage some to think about gambling, but there are many things to talk about other than sport. There are people from all walks of life using this site, a GDF might tap into to some really useful, interesting and beneficial subjects.

Posted : 11th November 2013 1:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hello tmlc,

Thanks for sharing this idea.

As well as wanting space to discuss 'Non-gambling' issues, you are letting us know that you'd like some 'Light relief'.

At the moment it seems that the 'Recovery diaries' section tends to be where members share more about their 'Non-gambling' lives, including other interests and light-hearted discussion, which can be part of recovery. There are also some positive, constructive and creative threads in the 'Overcoming' section.

Thanks again for letting us know how you're finding the forum, and what you feel you're missing. I'll pass on your feedback so that it is considered by management.


Posted : 12th November 2013 4:01 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Well thanks for the reply, and for passing on the suggestion.

I don't doubt that there is light relief entombed in these forums. The problem is its too hard to find. There is no indication from title threads of the discussion contained within. It would have to be stumbled upon, and unfortunately it would be equally likely to stumble upon some poor soul threatening suicide.

It would be beneficial to all to have an area where all comments would be varied, but in the same token, like minded.

Posted : 13th November 2013 12:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gamcare,

I totally, 100% agree with tmlc on this point, and this subject in many forms has been raised on quite a few occasions before.

There are an enormous amount of people who post once, usually at a very low ebb, disappear and then post back again after relapsing.

As you know, compulsive gambling is a very isolating experience. A general discussion Forum would bridge that gap and could have a hand in stopping people before they make a mistake.

I have been a part of this Forum for around seven years now. No-one is left from that time, and the people who do join only do so for a short period of time - some have no-one, some are incredibly cu off from the outside world.

Not only that, there are people who need a welcome break from the serious nature of this website, or just want to talk. The Recovery Diaries section does an admirable job of tracking recovery with the odd reference to light-hearted conversation and everyday "banter", but it is very much in the minority, and even then, it is conducted amongst a select few who know each other well and, as tmlc said. there is no indication from the title threads as to what is contained inside - someone could click onto it, looking for some light-hearted conversation and read something that could push them over the edge.

Gamcare desperate needs (and is long, long overdue) as section purely for contact and non-gambling related issues and conversation. There are people here who have life issues, relationship problems etc; if there is somewhere to talk about these things, then you may well prevent them from relapse.

My final point is that there are few people here who post back and say how well they are doing, which inspires me to contribute literally thousands of posts every year. Most people don't want to come back onto this website; gambling becomes a "dirty word" in their eyes, and of those who know them - this would open up another avenue for postive, upliting posts which is sorely, sorely needed - even after five gamble-free years, it is something that gives me enormous motivation to help others and stay on this path.

As I said, I appreciate the wonderful work you do and everything that goes into it, but I respectfully feel that this is long overdue.


Posted : 13th November 2013 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

I have never used the chat side of the forum but I figured that that was the place that people went for light hearted banter ? Maybe I got that wrong .

In my time on here I found less suicidal posts on the diary section and more desperate ones on the new members pages.

I guess we all view the forum differently but I always figured that the diary section was more an introspective personal documentation of highs and lows of recovery and for people who after perhaps many times of quitting now looking at the deeper issues as to why they are gambling or have been in gambling relationships,

I am surprised more people who are looking for further lighthearted discussion are not using the Overcoming section more or chat and sharing their ideas about how they are overcoming their urges with other things?

I would say the opportunity for light hearted banter is vast on the site . In the past the diary section has been accused of being too lighthearted and not gambling related enough with funny posts, pictures , film and music links.

I guess the old maxim is that you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time .


Posted : 20th November 2013 4:18 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks JamesP and Ex Doormat, for sharing your thoughts on tmlc’s idea about how the forum could be developed.

I’ve made the forum staff aware of this thread, and a member of management is collating your suggestions for consideration.

Ex Doormat, you’ve made the points that people have found opportunities for light-hearted banter in various parts of the forum and the chat room, and that it can be a challenge to please everybody. JamesP, you’ve agreed with tmlc that it could be helpful to have a designated section of the forum for more uplifting posts that foster an inclusive sense of camaraderie and community.

(Perhaps one way to create a home for positive and inspiring posts, while at the same time keeping an appropriate focus on recovery, could be to have a section with the theme of ‘Enjoying recovery’, where members could post celebrations of their progress in recovery, or aspects of their life in recovery that inspire them with gratitude… which also might provide others with hope, that progress is possible and sometimes even enjoyable?)

Thanks again for your contributions.


Posted : 20th November 2013 5:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Adam ,

" Enjoying Recovery"I think is a great idea. For the likes of me it would not be necessary (sighs of relief all round ...;-) ...but it would be good for people who want to come back and share their successes in being gamble free or whatever but not necessarily resurrecting their diaries or past posts.

It would be great to have a discussion section that's more lighthearted possibilities are endless. !!

Sometimes when I log on I type the wrong letters in ..the amount of times I type

It's an idea though for another section on the forum , Gamcafe....a leisurely place for likeminded GC's to hang out. You could even have little cyber coffee cup icons as an ice breaker..

Don't worry , I won't be giving up my day job.

R and D xx

Ps..not checked if this exists but in AA they have online 12 step meetings? ...not sure if that facility is there for GCs but maybe Gamcare can be pioneers and make it an addition to chat? Run in the same way as chat at a fixed time on particular days?

Posted : 20th November 2013 9:47 pm
Posts: 147

I think GamCafe is a brilliant idea for a name and for a thread. And much needed. x

Posted : 11th March 2014 2:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Redeemed,

Your helpful feedback will be brought to the attention of management.


Forum Admin.

Posted : 12th March 2014 6:00 pm
 A 9
Posts: 504

Dave ?, Why are you even posting this on a thread that's well over 5 year's old ? .

The way you copy and paste this  "Generic stuff " is ridiculous , any newbie that gets a copy will no doubt just turn and Run and I truly believe after reading the first couple of lines most others will just switch off ? , do you speak like this to other's in the supermarket while paying for groceries , or to the mechanic that's fixing your car ? .  

Your'e  recovery is your business but please just try and engage with people instead of just handing out a " Script " as there blowing around the forum like " Tumbleweed in a western "  !! . 

Posted : 4th July 2019 3:19 pm
Posts: 1098

I’ve been thinking this for a long time too, Alan. But have refrained from saying anything. 

Dave, all your posts seem to be about how YOU have felt or have gone about things in the past. Which is fine obviously. Good in fact, as it’s always brilliant to know how others have dealt with all such things like recovery, gambling urges, debt, family heartache etc etc. 

However, I’ve not seen a single post from you which has looked even remotely personal to the person that you’re replying to. No follow up questions etc. 

It’s all very bizarre, I must admit. 

Posted : 4th July 2019 7:47 pm

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