Fool me once...

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I posted here around a year ago when my partner stole over 2k from me. 

I stupidly decided to forgive him, encouraged him to go to GA and let him pay me back in installments (has taken almost a year).


At first he wanted me to take full control of his accounts but I said no because a) his mother actually has power of attorney over him (he has ASD) and b) I know him, he'd later go on to say that I am financially controlling him which, of course, is domestic abuse. 

Instead I offered to help him plan and budget if he lets me know what is coming in and going out each month and that he show me his recent transactions if I ask. 


What actually happened was that he could rarely tell me exactly what money was coming and when. When I asked what needed to be paid he would start rattling off lists of people I've never heard of or barely knew, saying he had to borrow for petrol removed link

One time when I knew he was overdue an invoice being paid and he told me he was skint I couldn't understand how that could possibly be true. He should have just had thousands deposited into his account and so I asked to see recent transactions. He said no, I was obviously upset and he stormed off to his friend's telling everyone I was demanding to search his entire phone and that I'm crazy. 

That was July? 

And here we are now, almost Christmas and he decides to tell me the day before I planned to spend a few hundred on stocking fillers and matching PJs for the kids... "I've taken everything". £5300. Savings. Inheritance. The kid's birthday money for the past 3 years.

Has has gone into a zipped section of my purse on multiple occasions and taken the key for my lockbox. It was deliberately done and more than once.

I haven't worked since I had my last child. My only income right now are benefits. Everything I have is because I've been wearing the same clothes for 2 years. I don't go out. I dont drink. I don't buy make up. I get my hair done once a year. I don't go on holiday. I give everything to my kids and put away what's left. He has taken it all. My car insurance money that I've been saving. The money I've put away for a new shed, trampoline, new bed, decorating the house (it's still completely plain white walls and depressing).

He has robbed me of everything I was looking forward to. Sorting my house and going places with my children.

So I called the police. 

My heart is broken. I feel guilt though I know it's misplaced and I haven't done anything wrong. 

The life I had dreamed about with this man is just that- a dream. I don't know how I am to ever trust another soul again. 


People who have turned in their loved ones to the authorities for theft- what happened?

Did they get the help they need? Did you forgive them? Did they forgive you? Did you get your money back? 


My life is in pieces right now and I just wish this wasn't happening to me. I'm embarrassed to tell family what's happened as all I'll get is "I told you so". 

Posted : 14th December 2024 12:09 pm
Posts: 65

Their is absolutely no.need ever for you to apologise as the totally innocent party in all of this basically gambling addicts lie through their teeth their is no.magic potion apart from.laying it bare that the myth they are successful in life mostly through arrogance then comes the excuses I had a bad childhood nonsense that they get backed up through the Internet. the real life reality is my choice nobody else's how do I change ?admit defeat they won and will always win .how to change ?detest the gambling oligarchs no.more the fool make it right never one penny to the corrupt gambling leeches ever again they couldn't care less about you or your family the sooner the better the gambling industry Is shut down entirely in the UK.the better

Posted : 14th December 2024 4:32 pm

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