Once again, merry go round, you have come to the rescue. Thank you, its nice to have some good solid advice, but even better just to know someone cares. A thousand times, Thank you
Anononon wrote: Although the debt isn't in my name, her registered address is still the home that we shared. I am currently trying to work on getting the mortgage in sole name and then be able to close joint accounts... But the amount of money required is obscene. What worries me is that I have to get her to do something otherwise I'm going to be out of house and home whilst she is still okay renting elsewhere, although I don't know how long she can keep that up as I can see the repayments are pulling her down.
Maybe see a solicitor, get some legal advice, you shouldn’t have to be reasponsible for the debt
It seems like I am one step behind you, in terms of my partner on the verge of leaving or me throwing him out. I have had enough. Right now he is down stairs glued to the TV and the Internet as I know he has placed a football bet. He has no conscience what so ever. He literally does not care about me and the effects his gambling has. He is so selfish and mean. I can see all the signs in what he is about to do. He is acting troublesome and antagonising so we can have a blazing row and then he will move back into his friends house where he can live rent free. His pay day is nearly here and I am sure he does not want to give me his keep, so he will have more to gamble. He has pawned his gold bracelet and even his mobile phone.
I'm sick of this. He is now smoking cannabis daily and drinking. As someone said in this thread, if he leaves I am not going to be able to afford my bills, as without his keep it will be somewhat of a strain on me.
Gamblers are very selfish, he is constantly in denial and burys his head in the sand about everything. He only has one focus and that his football bets. After living together for 6 years and him always gambling the odd bet, this has now escalated to him blowing his monthly wage in the space of a few days. This is not the life for me.
Affected by gambling?
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