I feel like I'm sinking and I can't breathe.

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Ok, so I'm not sure really how this works or where to even begin. I never imagined I would be here, on a Sunday afternoon typing this. But then again, I guess no one does. 


I have been with my Partner P now for 14 years. We have 3 kids together, and I have 3 before I met him. P has always had a drink problem, and for years I fought to make things better. Which now I look back was just stupid, cause why was I fighting for it? But fight I did. And for a while things got better. He still drank but it wasn't as bad as before, I could live with it. Then we moved. He wanted to move to be closer to his family who were 70 miles away. I had always lived in the same town I was born in. But we moved for a fresh start. Ironic really considering we now see less of his family than we did before we moved. When we moved, he reconnected with old friends, and started going out more. The drinking picked up and we fought. but eventually things evened out again. 

I should point out that P is not a bad person, I know I'm not painting him in a very good light right now. But with the exceptions of his drinking, and now his gambling (which ill explain in a moment) our relationship is perfect. We have been through some pretty awful things over the years that many might not survive together. We have, or had, the kind of relationship where after 14 years I still felt butterflies, I still felt like the most attractive woman in the world to him and knew he only had eyes for me. He would tell everyone about what I was doing at work, he was always so proud of me. He would reach out to touch me still during the night when he ws asleep, and text me 30 mins after getting to work, and on his breaks. He supported me in everything I ever wanted to do. If I wanted to change jobs, which I did, he supported it. He sent me on girls holidays so I would have adult times, he was a hands on dad too and was at every play, parents evening or anything important. 


and then last year it all changed. 


He started working in a pub as a chef 3 years ago. His drinking progressively increased. He likes to have a few pints after he finishes, cause he likes socialising with everyone. But more often he would come home at midnight if not later, then go on benders at the weekend. In September 2021, I found out that his occasional gambling had also increased. He likes to gamble online, sky sports and that. It turned out he had been using rent money to pay for it. He had spend half our rent money and put us into debt. At first he was angry that I questioned him, telling me what he does with his wages was non of my business. But he became remorseful and promised to stop. and it did for a while. What used to be OUR money was now suddenly his. He became secretive and always had money on him, and drinking more. We stopped being a family, a couple. I became a single parent. Our relationship is now no more than a casual hookup, the kids barely speak to him now too. I became more suspicious last week when I found out he had more money on him, and then the landlord got in touch. Apparently he only paid half of Decembers rent, and non of this month. over £2000 in debt. A debt I can't afford. Thankfully I have a great landlord who has been really kind and wants to help, though he was shocked I didn't know. My dad agreed to bail me out of most of the debt too which is great but I feel embarrassed and humiliated. When I checked his bank account I found out that he's using an app, that allows him to withdraw money from his wages in advance. he had spent £600 in only a couple weeks! 

I confronted him, he was angry I found out, then said he was embarrassed and he was trying ti fix it. promised he would stop etc etc etc..you get the idea. Only thing is, he doesn't want to stop. He has kept on taking money from his wages almost daily...£140 since then. and cause its all online, I can't stop him. he doesn't think he has a problem, he makes excuse. But the fact is, he enjoys his single life and freedom to do what he wants, more than having a family. But he wants his family when he feels the need to be loved. He is literally living up his life, enjoying himself at his families expense. And I can't pay this months rent because of it. My eldest 2 kids, who are 20 and 18 hate him now. Ive outed him to his best friend who has offered to have him crash at his house for a few days so I can have some space, and whilst he tries talking to him and try see if he can get him to agree to seeing a specialist, though im not particularly confident. He would rather say yes to moving out, than chan he his lifestyle. 


So, im stuck. I feel like I was trying to swim through mud with a backpack of bricks and I cannot breathe. I can barely sleep anymore, maybe 2 hours a night, I have no appetite. I go from anger to crying. I just want to breathe again I just want it to stop. I have 6 kids, one is autistic. I can't do this, why aren't we enough. 


Desperate, Lonely, suffocating and so very very tired. 

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 30th January 2022 4:19 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Dear @loosingmymind,

Thank you for sharing your story on the forum, I hope you will receive some advice and support from others that you will find helpful. 

I'm so sorry to hear what has been going on with your husband and the impact it has had on you and your family. It can be really challenging when someone isn't in a place to accept that their gambling is a problem. 

It also sounds like it's had a big impact on your mental well-being and it is important that you take some time to look after yourself and make sure you have the support in place that you need. I wonder if perhaps you would be able to speak to your GP about struggling to sleep and eat?

Please remember you are never alone with this and have come to the right place for support, we are available 24 hours a day on our helpline on 0808 8020 133 or via our live chat. Do get in contact and one of our advisors can talk everything through and look at all of the support available to you.

Wishing you all the best and do keep sharing,

Kind regards, 

Sophie C.

Forum Admin

Posted : 30th January 2022 10:30 pm

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