Should I see and be part of her banking

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Hi all my wife has a gambling problems .have tried various solutions finally she has made contact with this site .my questions is do you think I should be able to view her bank account .also try to help her but just end up concern is .is she failing into debt and not paying bills etc 

Posted : 14th March 2022 3:15 pm
Posts: 26

So sorry to hear you are going through this. Yes definitely, my husband has surrendered all control to his bank account and our joint account. He has no cards and the only access is his Apple Pay app which is connected to our joint account. He gives me all receipts. It’s the only way. If your wife really is ready to stop she should give you full responsibility and be open to showing you everything and letting you have control in my opinion. I’m not sure about you but I have found the trust has been destroyed so we need to go by what we can see and like you say you need to see that bills have been paid. You can still keep your wife in the picture by showing her the finances with you and coming up with a budget. You have to go by what you feel you’re comfortable with and can live with. It’s a long journey ahead

Posted : 14th March 2022 6:01 pm
Posts: 174

Yes. I gave all bank accounts to my wife and surrendered credit and debit cards to her as well. The house is in her name now , not joint, and the cars are in her name. These controls have literally made it impossible for me to get into any more gambling fiascos. The only access to cash for gambling i have had in the past year or so has been if I get tips at work but these are small amounts and when i slip it doesnt have any material impact. And now i have made a goal from stopping even these wagers. I'm going to keep my tips from now on. Financial controls are very helpful. 


Posted : 14th March 2022 10:12 pm
Posts: 4

I also have my husbands banking and I do all his finances it makes me less anxious. 

Posted : 15th March 2022 10:08 pm
Posts: 177

Hi Russ

Your partner will need to consent to you having access not just to their bank but to their credit report (credit karma is a good one) as well to see if they are hiding any loans, debts etc. It is an essential step. When my partner initially quit he gave me full control/oversight of his finances but immediately also started negotiating that when he reaches year 1 of abstinence, he gets the sole control back. He stated various reasons mainly he felt like being treated like a child. Fortunately, since he joined GA, it really changed his perspective. He would sometimes randomly thank me for supporting him in his recovery by me overlooking his finances. He appreciates it now. I imagine this was because of what he learned from GA and the fellows there. Now, my partner can control a bit of his money, but i get notified of every single bank transaction on my phone. Every time he gets paid, he transfers money to me for mortgage, bills and savings. He keeps a small amount each month for lunch, transport etc. He knows he can’t withdraw cash unless absolutely needed for which he needs to provide a receipt. This is currenty working for us. 
Your partner needs to be accountable. If they are not willing to give you full control/access to the finances, assume they are still actively gambling.

Posted : 16th March 2022 8:52 pm

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