Walking away

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I chose to ask my cg bf to leave, it hurts like hell, the pain perhaps will be bad now but I hope to have saved myself a lot of misery in the future. I just want somebody to respect me. Now I have to pick up the pieces of my life and try to rebuild a new future. It's funny since I found out bf was a cg I keep hearing stuff on the radio about gambling and how it ruins lives, On the radio today they discussed betting shop machines and the series 'broken' with Sean Bean that tackles gambling addiction. It certainly has left my relationship in tatters and stole my partner from me.

Posted : 16th August 2017 8:47 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

I'm sorry to hear your news, I'm sorry you have suffered as a result of gambling addiction.

I'm a CG and can understand why you would make the decision you have.

My marriage is hanging by the tiniest thread, I'm trying to battle my addiction and there is some light at the end of a very long tunnel but I have a lot of work to do and a long long way to go.

I just wanted to say, without knowing your full story, I'm sure your BF never set out to hurt, deceive or ruin your relationship. Like many others I have a responsible job, seem sensible and yet for 20 years I've battled a gambling addiction that has completely changed my life from what it could of been.

I hope one day to have a better understanding of my behaviours and what allowed me to listen to the voice in my head justifying my choices but I love my wife and now children more than my own life, yet I have continued to jeopordise all that because I was weak, afraid and convinced myself there was no other way out.

I hope you find peace and that your bf reaches out and gets the help he needs

best wishes

Posted : 16th August 2017 9:19 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi don't ever think it is you. It makes me sad to read this. I didn't know my cg was compulsive before I was married with a child. I don't know if I would have done what you have if I had known. I have often felt like leaving. But they are addicts and it normally gets much worse before it gets better. Get some support for you, talk to gamcare. Look after yourself and make sure your finances are safe. Wishing you strength!

Posted : 17th August 2017 6:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi girlfriendofcg I just want to tell you how brave you are for making the decision that is right for you. I did the same about 6 months ago (I found out a year ago and the lack of trust I had was unbearable and making me ill, and he's still not done anything to stop even now).

I am slowly rebuilding my life. Just been on a few dates but the worry of something happening again like that (and a bit of guilt I guess which I need to tackle) means I am taking each date as it comes. Never underestimate the kind of big decision this is. You are taking control of your own situation, in your own way and that's something to be proud of.

Posted : 17th August 2017 10:34 am
Posts: 0

I have been inspired to write for the first time as you have been so honest and brave . I have also given my husband an ultimatum tonight he has chosen gambling over me and the children. It might be worth talking it through with some one to help you feel better and process it. I have only just stopped blaming myself for it even though he was gambling way before we got together. You have been brave to face this head on. Wishing you happiness for your future xx

Posted : 17th August 2017 10:11 pm
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Hi Thank you for the replies, I managed to get him to tell me his story of how it all happened. I think he was telling the truth this time. Looking back it was almost always me who took the initiative in the relationship and made all the plans for the future. He wants to quit gamblng and rebuild the trust. I don't know if I can trust him now, it's making me ill too. I haven't slept or eaten properly and that is so unlike me. I usually cope very well in a crisis but this time the rug was pulled beneath my feet. He can see what he has done to me but offers me no comfort whatsoever, I read the forum everyday and it helps me a lot to understand things from both sides.

Posted : 18th August 2017 10:46 am

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