When is gambling a problem?

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Hi guys,

looking for some advice really. Husband is on a low income. He does have a history of gambling and I did know about this when we first got together. However, I found a bank statement of his. He gambled an amount of over £600 last month and won back not even close to that. 
When I have spoken to him about it he says, ‘well you spend money going to the gym and and the dog, I’m still putting food on the table and I have not asked you for any money. I’m in control of it.’

I’am I going mad and going over the top?Do I need to be worried at all? 

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Clucky
Posted : 10th January 2023 10:47 pm
Posts: 2155

Hi and Welcome

The gambling addiction becomes a problem very quickly because it doesn't take long to get hooked on the drug of it

I say drug because it is primarily a drug addiction

I presume you don't have a money tree in the garden so none of us really have money to throw away......even the rich don't really throw their money away......understand?

 A pound is a pound and gamblers almost immediately become delusional that they can ride or handle the loss of money. Its a progressive illness and builds up to zombie addicts boasting in the bookies that they lost thousands in a day and telling everyone to man up and grow a pair.

That is a mental illness and complete mind delusion

As you really know chucking away his money is NOT control of anything. Gambling is a vice and a mugs game....Nobody is offering him an income scheme on those odds

You don't have to tolerate it and you should make your feelings known to him. He needs to sit down with non gamblers or a trusted member of his family and explain his actions because in the light of day it will sound like the madness and illness that it is.

Do the exercises....tell him you've bought a £500 coat and see how he likes that thought....gambling is like holding money over a roadside grid and dropping it

You need support to build strength. He needs to seek help straight away and hand all money control to you

Are you ready.....is he truly ready because you now need to learn what you are dealing with here?

The forum is always here for you

Your partner needs REALITY checks that your relationship is on the line. Its not your fault but you need to start learning and acting on it today

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Joydivider
Posted : 11th January 2023 7:53 am
Posts: 607

Gambling done long enough can bring addiction to anyone. Professors / fighter pilots/ factory workers and so on. No one is better equipped than others to deal with addiction as we are all creatures of habit. So in short yes he could become an addict, You will notice it if the amounts used becomes higher and the time spent becomes longer.

You have perhaps heard of dopamine kicks makes us want to get up and do things and endogenous morphine witch is the bodies own produced morphine that is also known to us a endorphines that blocks pain and brings pleasure.

It is also known that our subconscious mind has two main functions. To protect us and to bring us pleasure. Why? Well the chemicals above tells you why.

We all need balance in life. That is not as easy as it sounds but it is what is needed.




Posted : 11th January 2023 8:36 am
Posts: 45

If he is earning under 30K a year and has a family , house , bills etc to pay for then yea 600 a month i would say is going to become a financial issue and quickly




Posted : 11th January 2023 3:00 pm

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