More censored words ?

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Admin , I wish I understood fully what constitutes a censored word as it all seems very hit or miss at the moment ?

I posted to someone last night and used the term " Poor little S.od " regarding that persons Dog , I then find this morning that you censored that word and re posted it later , I dont' have an issue with that in general but how is it ok for another particular poster to keep mentioning her v****a and also the fact that She's happy with her Orgasm ? unless of course it's a new type of bet that's now available , maybe a" 5 fold v****a " or a £1 Each way Orgasm are betting term's I don't know , I've been gamble free for a year so perhaps things have changed a little ? . I'm over the moon that this particular poster feels this way about herself and she's obviously enjoying herself but I can't understand how You can consider S' od a word worthy of censorship , perhaps next time I should just say that her dog looked like a " v****a that had just had an Orgasm " and it would be ok ??.

Best wishes Alan :))

Posted : 18th October 2016 12:44 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6136

Dear Alan,

The forum censors words that are considered swear words, so that was why your original post was censored.

The other words you mention, while they may seem unusual on a gambling recovery forum, are not examples of swearing, so they remained.

Hope this clarifies things,



Posted : 19th October 2016 8:47 am
Posts: 0

On this note, why is s*x censored please? Rape isn't so it makes no sense for s*x to be.

Posted : 6th May 2017 11:48 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6136


I will pass on your query to the forum manager.

Best wishes

Forum Admin

Posted : 6th May 2017 3:15 pm
Posts: 0

sheep = sh.eep ?

Posted : 7th May 2017 11:34 am
Posts: 0

Real Sh.eep or Inflatable ? :))

Posted : 7th May 2017 1:44 pm
Posts: 0

Frogs = fr.ogs ?

Posted : 7th May 2017 2:49 pm
Posts: 3242

Real fr ogs or inflatable? :))

Posted : 7th May 2017 2:57 pm
Posts: 0


Posted : 7th May 2017 3:17 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6136

Dear all,

Thanks for alerting us to these words that are getting automatically censored. The forum manager will be able to look into it and makes changes where appropriate.


Forum admin.

Posted : 7th May 2017 5:23 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6136

I've had a look and removed some words from the filter. Of course they should only be used in their correct contexts - using them in contexts which are abusive or offensive is against forum rules.



Forum Admin

Posted : 8th May 2017 9:25 am
Posts: 0

A message to the gamcare police. I've defended Gamcares stance in the past with there editing of words, such as f**k, P***k, c**t as I feel you can still emphasise your point with asterisks. But, to trawl the site and edit words like **** or ***** is bordering on pathetic. Rather than trawl posts which must be quite time consuming and exhausting on Gamcare s limited funding, wouldn't your time be more beneficial in trawling the site and helping new comers with support and advice.

I appreciate Gamcare and the people who work for them but please don't turn into some new ' religious pathetic cult ' .

Addicts have a tendency of immaturity, please don't keep us in a naughty child zone as we try to break out.

I'm interested in your thoughts on my concerns....,

Posted : 25th May 2017 10:11 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6136

Hi Volcano

We don't trawl the forum looking for examples of posters trying to get round the profanity filter, but if we spot them we'll edit them.

It remains against forum rules to use profanity and this includes deliberately misspelling words in order to circumvent the filter.

Thanks for the feedback


Forum Admin

Posted : 26th May 2017 10:18 am
Posts: 0

Deidre, we're adults or at least trying to be. The two words I mentioned above are both in the Oxford English Dictionary and are part of the Queens language. Profanity is a strong word to use and you should read the context of the sentence before editing.

I'm a builder Deirdre, so writing isn't a strong point of mine but would imagine Gamcare staff are more equipped to write but are falling flat on this subject and not giving a valid answer.



Posted : 26th May 2017 10:53 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6136

Hi Paul

We realise that what is considered swearing can be subjective. For some people swearing is everyday language and does not carry any offence, while others do find swearing offensive. We've had feedback from both sides of this debate so we try to take the middle path. Our approach to use of language on the forum isn't going to change. As I said, we're not going to specifically trawl the forum looking for swear words but if we do see some we will edit them. And we ask users not to try and circumvent the filter.

Thank you

Forum Admin.

Posted : 26th May 2017 11:54 am
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