Greetings from Sunny Liverpool

5 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 2
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Hi Folks,

Reading through some of the posts here I feel a bit of a fraud, but deep down I know if I don't address my issues now I'll never stop.

It's the well repeated story I guess, I love a go on the footy each Saturday and have done for decades, I have the occasional go on the horses too. Never a problem, always what I can afford to lose. Then, during the initial lockdown I found myself with some free time at home and a couple of spare quid on my betting app on my phone. I won straight away on roulette and then once more, before coming off with a very handsome profit. I naively thought this was a licence to print money.

In three months I'd spent £3000, winning in the process. I was appalled at losing £900 that I could ill-afford to, and appalled at myself for gambling such a massive amount. So I self-excluded myself from my apps and walked away, told everyone how much of a lucky escape I had and that I'd learnt my lesson.

Then, as if by magic I've got covid again so stuck at home for a week and back it comes again. This time however, I've been left a substantial amount of money by a relative, so there is not really that financial implication to worry me. I know if I don't do something I'll blow the lot.

Anyway, forgive the wittering and long post, I do tend to be an open book with stuff like this.

Love and best wishes,


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 8th December 2022 7:46 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6070

Dear Andy, 

We are sorry to hear that you got covid and that you are feeling triggered by that amount of money.

Would you like to give us a call to discuss your gambling and the support available for you? We are here 24/7. Please call us on 0808 8020 133 or write to us on our live chat in our webiste.

All the best.



Posted : 9th December 2022 5:43 pm
Posts: 2156

Hi Andy and Welcome

Please tell someone close because one of the worst triggers for a compulsive gambler is knowing there is some fund of money putting you in a content for now state...what can go wrong eh as youve got a bit and are going to be sensible......WRONG AS THE ADDICTION HAS OTHER PLANS FOR YOU!

Ive gambled when I had one dole giro and Ive gambled when Ive had significant savings or a credit card

By far the worst situation was thinking I had back up money because thats when the gambling sessions got very dangerous indeed

Yes you could also say the no dole money left to buy food is also very dangerous but the more money I had access to the bigger the drug gambling session got financially out of hand

And it is a drug session....I had no control once starting just like alcoholics or other drug addicts

Tell someone close and get your money protected in their secure account

If you think Im being over dramatic I could tell you about all the depressed days and rainy tuesdays I was left scratching my head in a dazed panic having blown horrendous amounts of money

I ended up staring at the wall in a darkened room as the confusion of dopamine blind panic and fear eased through and out of my bloodstream until I just wanted to go to bed and curl up in a depressed stupor

please act now....its a progressive illness...get help and learn about your vulnerability

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

This post was modified 2 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 9th December 2022 11:44 pm
Posts: 68

My advice get rid of that cash any means possible. Give it to family member, put it in savings account. Anything to get rid of it for now. Even if it means draw a bit of money out and report your card as lost for now until you have your plan.

Block your self online using gamblock.

Honesty i have been there stuck in house blew all my money this is the point where total stress and self disgustment takes over your life.

Online gambling is the worst these companies let u spend and spend until theres 0 left. I have done the gamstop and its saved me from loosing a fortune online. Theres no one to see how redicoulous we are gambling or say stop online and its the most dangerous form of gambling out there.

Posted : 10th December 2022 4:10 pm
Posts: 2
Topic starter

Thanks for the replies guys, really helpful and I've taken your advice and moved the money into a trusted friends bank account. 

Really appreciate your time in replying. 

Posted : 10th December 2022 5:17 pm

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.

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