Morning al

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Hey peeps new here and I’m guessing this is gonna be the best website I’ve ever visited... lost a shed load of money and nearly me wife and family over this online gaming addiction... nearly 25k in debt... luckily I have enough to cover the debts monthly until we remortgage in august. Just disgusted I let myself get so far in trouble before I realised I had a major issue... never got out of hand on footy betting never been to a casino and never do fruitys in pubs just this online thing was so easy... not gambled for 3 weeks just thought I’d add my story... first ga meeting tonight ?? good luck to all going through a mess at minute 

Posted : 15th April 2019 12:31 pm
Posts: 0

I only joined recently myself. Online is just ridiculously easy isn’t it! I do t go the casinos or amusement arcades but access to online turned me into a gambling addict! I never thought it would be me! 

Told the hubby this morning, something I was dreading and he was shocked but also sent me a lovely text telling me I’ve done the hard thing admitting and telling him!!

The silent addiction, no one knows or can see what your doing, no outwardly signs like with drugs or alcohol!

its good your wife knows and you are doing something about it! Hope the GA goes well tonight, let me know how you get on there! 


Posted : 15th April 2019 1:18 pm
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Brilliant you’ve told your husband!! First steps the worse one I thought my life would be over with the love of my life I obviously didn’t give her enough credit... just wish I’d told her before the debts got that big but can’t do anything about that now... really appreciate your reply doing this has made me feel so much better already! Take care I’ll let you know how I get on x

Posted : 15th April 2019 3:11 pm
Posts: 0

Yes I feel a relief that I have done it! I’ve been trying for ages and got really stressed over it, to the point it affecting my health.

Good that your wife knows! And congrats on not having gambled for 3 weeks, how have you done that sheer perseverance or have you had some help? Blocked the sites?

hope GA went well? X


Posted : 15th April 2019 9:50 pm
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Yeh I self excluded from everything and anything even the lottery site... I’ve got to say I’m buzzing at the moment just got home. Was scared walking in but was welcomed, listened to and not judged thanks so much for reply... are you doing any ga or anything? X

Posted : 15th April 2019 10:35 pm
Posts: 0

Ah that’s good to hear that it went well at GA for you, I’m pleased. Kudos to you for going, hopefully it will really help you having others in same situation to chat to and ask questions of.

I am speaking with an organisation that is listed as counselling for gambling on this site. We spoke last week and she is speaking to me tomorrow. 

I will probably then go in and speak to them get a bit of help, see if there is reasons behind why I do it? I didn’t want to go until I had told my husband otherwise it would have just been something else he didn’t know about and for me to worry about!  X

Posted : 16th April 2019 2:02 pm

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