My first day

6 Posts
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Posts: 11
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It is my first day and finding it so tough. Stole money from loved ones to fund it. Have paid it all back today but lost their trust.

my fiancé has asked me to leave house I feel so bad I have betrayed her trust. I know she may never forgive me or trust me.


I want get better to try and be a better person for people I love even if never trust me

Posted : 28th November 2022 8:18 pm
Posts: 36

Hi David,

firstly we’ll done for admitting you have a problem and need help. I would advise speaking to someone or using chat to get the help you need and deserve. I have been where you are and it’s hard but it does get better. You need to get to a place of acceptance this helps massively. It helps you move forward and see a brighter future. We can’t change the past only learn from it. This journey will make you stronger. You can become the person you want to be again and free from gambling. I wish you all the best. The people in your life will forgive you but it may take time, become at peace with yourself and the rest will follow

Posted : 29th November 2022 2:40 am
Posts: 11
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Thanks for the advice. I reached out yesterday and got help. It is all very raw at minute and just trying take each day as it comes

Posted : 29th November 2022 8:21 am
Posts: 68

The worst thing you can do now is dwell on it. Mine is very raw but i have had to put aside what people think of me for now. Its not that i dont care but people screaming at me and negaticity will send me into another spiral. The best way of putting things right now is to show some action. You have paid back what you took that is a start. Now you need to focus on yourself. We are ill it is an illness and a very hard mental illness. Keep your strength for this battle. One day at a time. No one knows what the future holds but one thing for sure is if we continue down path of destruction it wont end well. We all here cos we want to change

Posted : 29th November 2022 10:14 am
Posts: 15

Hi David

I’d echo what’s been said above.  I have also lost the trust of my wife, we only got married in 2021.  We’ve been together a lot longer and have a couple of children.  I feel if it wasn’t for them she would’ve kicked me out by now.  

I’m 127 days free now, I feel myself again, well nearly.  It will get easier for you, as people say make sure all blocks are in place, self exclude yourself, stop your bank card accepting gambling site transactions, if you don’t the temptation will always be there.  Ever since I put that in place I haven’t even bothered trying to login.  The first 2 weeks were hardest.


With the help of a Gamcare course and now weekly therapy I feel much better.  My wife is slowly coming around but she still gets angry that I’ve got a large monthly payment going out on a debt I have nothing to show for.  Unfortunately non-gamblers will never truly understand but likewise I’ve got to understand why she’s so angry, it’s causing a change to her life that I don’t have as much money for the family each month.


Keep going pal, and whenever you feel down come on here, read the new posts and help others where you can. Sadly with all the gambling adverts on tv/radio the next generation is already being brainwashed and governments haven’t done anything about it since Gordon Brown let the cat out of the bag nearly 20 years ago and allowed all this!

Posted : 30th November 2022 11:57 pm
Posts: 11
Topic starter

Thanks for the stories and advice. I am 5 days in and have had good times and down times still no bets.


i can’t stop this feeling inside me of guilt towards loved ones and pain I caused. I know over time will slowly get better and can only sort myself out to show them. That’s the hardest thing for me right now.


meeting fiancé for first time since kicked out on Saturday and wants see everything because of what done. I totally understand and got it and be completely honest. I am just worried might miss something but I can only be honest and truthful 

Posted : 1st December 2022 11:02 am

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