New to gamcare

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I decided to join today gamcare because i know i need help i cant stop my urge every time i get paid every month i find the urge that i need to gamble play on the slots on bookies websites to the point where i try to put my bills to one side but i end up useing that saying oh i only use another tenner and then im left nothing i live with my parents and they dont know im a gambling addict now this month been the hardest ever i get paid week before christmas and ive lost all my wages on slot online and have no money to pay my bills no money to get to work in jan no money to pay my parents there house keep no money for any my bills i feel absouletly  stressed my anxiety throug the roof im not able to get any loan our credit cards due to being bad debt i just  dont know where to start im so scared this is the worse i have been i think if i dont get help  then it just going to get worse  ive no idea how im going to tell my parents that i have no money because i spent it all on gambling our how im going to pay my bills im just so lost on where to start im scared my parents are going to throw me out 

Posted : 29th December 2022 12:50 am
Posts: 376

You need to come clean do u have any close friends who can support u trust me when i came clean to my family it was the hardest thing i could do as gambling is frowned apon i had no choice as i began to lose all my wages due to this ilness i was out of control for 3 years and the urgues were strong i couldnt i kept repeating and wasent offered any support like Ga they didnt support me as they gave me bills to pay for debt and i couldnt control my self i went to Ga on my own accord and seek help im actually in much better state now and have had numrous relapses over the years however i dont get myself to the position it affects me finanically its only money i have saved up from not gambling i have checked myself back into Ga after i had a relapse over 2 years and hopefully i can do better this time around

Posted : 29th December 2022 12:42 pm
Posts: 9

I found once I stopped gambling and the volatility of my finances eased I was able to see things clearer. I am only 7 days GF and my finances are the same as they were 1 week ago. The difference is I can think straight now. I can problem solve without gambling confusing everything. 

once you stop gambling you will give yourself headspace to think everything else through


one day at a time this will get easier


You have made a positive step by reaching out



Posted : 29th December 2022 1:31 pm
Posts: 16

Hi Cazza, wow has your post hit home with me. This is exactly the same position I am in at the moment. I too got paid the week before Christmas and I have used the lot on gambling (online roulette to be precise). It has left me in such a state I have no money for my bills all coming out the beginning of the month. I am on Christmas holidays still and go back to work in January and I haven’t been able to enjoy them as I’ve been frantically looking for loans but like you I can’t get one as I have tapped out every Avenue.
I live with my partner and my children and they have no idea the state I am in. I’m stressing my parents out and my partner as they don’t understand where all my money has gone but I haven’t got the guts to tell them as I’m usually seen as the sensible one. I feel so ashamed but I have vowed I am going to change my life for the better come new year, I can’t go on like this. 
I have decided I am just going to let all my bills bounce, as horrible as it is and I absolutely hate it, I have to face the music with it. I’m hoping once January is out the way I can start to rebuild. 

At least you have a roof over your head Cazza and family if when the time is right you can talk to.  But I totally understand that you don’t want to. 
We have made the first step by coming onto here, that means we know we have a problem. It’s going to be hard but we can ride the storm. There is hope I can see it. 

Posted : 29th December 2022 1:48 pm
Posts: 16

Hi Cazza, wow has your post hit home with me. This is exactly the same position I am in at the moment. I too got paid the week before Christmas and I have used the lot on gambling (online roulette to be precise). It has left me in such a state I have no money for my bills all coming out the beginning of the month. I am on Christmas holidays still and go back to work in January and I haven’t been able to enjoy them as I’ve been frantically looking for loans but like you I can’t get one as I have tapped out every Avenue.
I live with my partner and my children and they have no idea the state I am in. I’m stressing my parents out and my partner as they don’t understand where all my money has gone but I haven’t got the guts to tell them as I’m usually seen as the sensible one. I feel so ashamed but I have vowed I am going to change my life for the better come new year, I can’t go on like this. 
I have decided I am just going to let all my bills bounce, as horrible as it is and I absolutely hate it, I have to face the music with it. I’m hoping once January is out the way I can start to rebuild. 

At least you have a roof over your head Cazza and family if when the time is right you can talk to.  But I totally understand that you don’t want to. 
We have made the first step by coming onto here, that means we know we have a problem. It’s going to be hard but we can ride the storm. There is hope I can see it. 

Posted : 29th December 2022 1:55 pm
Posts: 49

Okay, this is my bit for what it is worth. I have also been in this same position, but through pure fortune I had a moment of clarity. I didn't let and bills bounce without phoning each company I owed money too, and telling them that I was addicted to gambling but seeking help. I asked for some breathing space for a short while, I also pointed out that I intended to pay everything in full the first chance I had. In my case, everyone listened including credit card companies. I then told everyone who needed to know about my addiction,  this relieved some pressure and made me feel in control. Seek some help and support from wherever you feel appropriate, but avoid short term loans, you will gamble the money with big pay back costs. I believe that if you phone the helpline here, they may be able to point you in the right direction. 

Posted : 29th December 2022 4:44 pm
Posts: 31
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@charosully wow yes we have made the first Move its a good Start we got this we can do it xx

Posted : 29th December 2022 6:47 pm
Posts: 31
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@charosully yes we have made first steps

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:05 pm
Posts: 31
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thank you all 

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:15 pm
Posts: 31
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@faith-777 thank u 

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:33 pm
Posts: 31
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@tazman  i dont really have Any close Friends ive always been kind of a loner i struggle with socializing with people there work Friend i have but i cant really trust them to behonest. You got this u can do it again to0 xx

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:39 pm
Posts: 31
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@carolp thank u well done to you to getting through ur steps this far to xx

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:39 pm

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