Suicide thoughts

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Hey guys,

At first, sorry for my bad english. I'm from germany where we don't really have active communitys for gambling addiction so here i am. Im Patrick, 31 Years old and got around 35.000 Euro depts because of gambling. I was gambling free for around 12 months after betting for around 10 years. But yesterday everything was falling apart and i lost half of my income and on top of that 1700 euro with a klarna credit card. I dont know how to move on. I lost everything within the last years because of that gambling addicition. My girlfriend, my appartment, my car, some really heartbroken again right now and have no idea how to get through the next months. I just earn around 2100 Euro so this loss hurts a lot and i cant compensate that  within one or two months..i got really hard suicide thoughts and already phoned with my sister for an hour this evening..

Im not sure what kind of help i expect here but thanks for reading, sometimes just so write it down can help..

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Pat1912
Posted : 27th May 2023 11:15 pm
Posts: 607

First thing. If you are so deep down that you can not find a way out by yourself then get yourself to a hospital where they can keep an eye on you till you are in a safer place. Pain can be dealt with but you need o take it seriously and get treatment.

Fear is just future events appearing real. You are reaching out now because you want to find solutions to a problem that is consuming. Seek the help of a counselor in Germany the nr should be 116 123

The forum is here to help the help lines here can also be used but I would start to talk to someone

in your own language first.


Das Wichtigste. Wenn du so tief drin steckst, dass du allein keinen Ausweg mehr findest, dann bring dich in ein Krankenhaus, wo man ein Auge auf dich hat, bis du an einem sichereren Ort bist. Mit Schmerzen kann man umgehen, aber man muss sie ernst nehmen und sich behandeln lassen.

Ängste sind nur zukünftige Ereignisse, die real erscheinen. Sie wenden sich jetzt an uns, weil Sie Lösungen für ein Problem finden wollen, das Sie verzehrt. Suchen Sie die Hilfe eines Beraters in Deutschland, die Nummer sollte 116 123 lauten.

Das Forum ist dazu da, um zu helfen, die Hilfetelefone hier können auch genutzt werden, aber ich würde zuerst mit jemandem sprechen

in deiner eigenen Sprache sprechen


Posted : 28th May 2023 10:26 am
Posts: 83

Life is not worth losing over money you can make / get more money

You can't get more life

Worst case you just have to go bankrupt I am not sure how that works in Germany but in UK after X number of years the slate is completely wiped clean and you don't even need to pay it back

You will be fine the money is all fake numbers on a screen anyway 


Just stop gambling first 

Posted : 28th May 2023 4:13 pm
Posts: 193

How are you today Pat?

Posted : 29th May 2023 4:53 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6152

Hi @Pat1912,


Thank you for sharing your story with us on the forum today.


I can appreciate how difficult of a situation this must be for you. Hopefully, you will find our forum to be a safe space to get advice and support on how to cope with this situation.


Gambling Therapy can offer support for your gambling in Germany I would encourage you to reach out to them for support, if you haven't done so already.


As you have mentioned experiencing suicidal thoughts, I would encourage you to speak to someone about this for further support. It is positive that you have talked to your sister about this and I would urge you to continue doing so. Please do also consider reaching out to your local emotional support telephone service, GP or mental health provider in Germany for further support.

If you feel you are at an immediate risk of harm to yourself or others around you, please do contact local emergency services for support. They can help you through this difficult time. 


Please do continue sharing your story with us on the forum today.


Kind Regards, 

Forum Admin


Posted : 2nd June 2023 11:14 am

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