What is wrong with me!

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Posts: 61
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I’ve managed to completely mess up my life with gambling.

I’m left, picking up the remains of my shattered life, desperately putting pieces in where they should go - but they don’t fit anymore.

How do I recover from this? Where do I even begin...

Slots, the highs, that feeling - the rush when you see that BIG WIN! The feeling of defeat, chasing what was yours and is now no more.

I’m done. I. AM. DONE.

It’s took every penny, my partner, the food out of my kids’ mouths and my self-respect.

Posted : 18th November 2018 5:58 pm
Posts: 61
Topic starter

Thank you so much for your reply. I’m 7 days in - again not much.

I feel so disgraced. I just don’t no where to turn. I feel the urge constantly to just gamble again. Like it would be easier, like I can control it. But I can’t. I’m £7000 in debt - I am awaiting a balliff any day. I just want to sit and cry!

Posted : 18th November 2018 6:54 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi catherine.. thoughts are with you. Slots are my thing to. They have devastated my life for the last 20 years. My debts are about 10k. I haven't learnt from so many relapses. But I have every intention to learn this time. I don't really care about the debts anymore... its the loss of self-respect, self-worth, dignity, opportunities etc etc.

You only gamble now to escape the consequnces of the gambling. Time to stop. If its online.. sign up with gamstop.. it will stop your gambling in its tracks. As for debts focus on priority debts only... ie rent/mortgage, council tax, electric, gas... any loans, overdrafts, credit cards are not priority... just tell them you have a gambling addiction and let them default... you will get a letter of default and then they put your account with the "specialist support team" (they understand) and for the most part leave you alone or a token monthly payment.

The priority is focussing on stopping gambling and starting to get well. I am talking to myself as well. Read and write lots it does help. All the best i will keep an eye oput for you.. S.A

Posted : 18th November 2018 7:19 pm
Posts: 4881

Ring national debtline about the impending balliff... they cant take what you don't have..

They will advise

Posted : 18th November 2018 7:31 pm
Posts: 61
Topic starter

I feel like I no where to turn. Everything is a mess. My life left in ruins. All I want is to make the feeling stop! I honestly have no idea how it came to this, how did it spiral so fast.

They lure you in, then take your everything. I am an educated women with three children, I have a good job. I have nothing to show for my life now. It’s all gone. My partner hates me, I came clean, told him everything and now he can’t even bare to look at me. Just sits depressed - because of me. Because of what I have done to my family.

My 14 year old went out shopping today with friends. I scrapped together £40 for her. She came home with some new pjs. Her friends had £200. Bought expensive trainers and clothes. I’ve failed my kids.

Posted : 18th November 2018 7:42 pm
Posts: 4881

Your not a failure, youve got an addiction, thats all... slots are designed to be addictive

Your kids still love you.. its not about money... they want to see you get better and you will.

Day at a time

Posted : 18th November 2018 7:54 pm
Posts: 0

I’m so glad to read so many stories like mine! I’m 47 have gambled for over 20 years, to the point now like today when I’m 2k up, yes £2000 profit and gambled the whole lot away within an hour, it’s not about the money it’s clearly just about the buzz when you see the wins....so we should all accept that we will NEVER win!!! So what’s the point? Really wish I could stop, the two grand was life changing, a holiday for me and the kids and now it’s gone...I need help

Posted : 18th November 2018 9:52 pm
Posts: 73

It's so sad but also reassuring to see people with the same story as myself. It just makes you feel that you are not the only one. I've been kidding myself for years that I don't have a problem but I really do. I've signed up to Gamstop and despite several attempts to get around the bans it really does work, please sign up and look forwards not backwards.

Posted : 22nd November 2018 9:25 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi if you cannot pay bills call stepchange to sort repayment of debt at affordable rate. Secondly sign up to gamstop, now. It blocks online gambling of most U.K. Sites for 5 years. You have to retrain your brain and do something else with your time. Find a GA meeting or call gamcare and get some counselling. This doesn't get better until you put blocks in place and admit your problem. You will never win!

Posted : 23rd November 2018 10:04 am
Posts: 118

I like you Cath and everyone here, have very similar stories and can relate to each and everyone in some way.. it’s very hard for loved ones to understand ‘us’ when they have never felt the urges or had addictive triggers like we do. Reassuring for me and others too that we can take some comfort in being able to express ourselves on here and read so many other heartbreaking but inspiring stories. Thank you for helping me get through. Kaz xx

Posted : 29th November 2018 1:08 am

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