2017 Challenge

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Firstly I'd like to thank Gary for all the hardwork in keeping the 2016 challenge running, I found it invaluable and instrumental in my recovery.

We're not going to try an reinvent the wheel, the challenge will take the same format as last year. No reason to change it, it's been very successful. The only real change will be that myself and Deano will be sharing to updates between us.

First check in by Sunday the 1st Jan Deano will do first update on the 2nd Jan.

This thread is open to everyone, I hope it will become somewhere that helps and inspires a large group of people to take that next step in their recovery process. We start the year in different places, some of us may have abstained from gambling for a matter of minutes, others may have gone much much longer! The aim of the challenge is simple, we are going to go a full calendar year without a bet. Or the remainder of 2016 if you are joining part of the way through.

I hope that as a group we can fill this thread with positivity and some amazing stories along the way. A place where friendships are bonded, coping mechanisms are discussed, we can offload when we need to and of course we will have plenty of milestones to celebrate along the way.

How the challenge works

Firstly, if you would like to join then all you need to do is make a post. Newcomers can introduce yourself, tell us about your journey so far, what form of gambling you have had a problem with and how many days you have been free of gambling for.

Secondly, once you have joined then to stay a part of the challenge you need to make a check in post once a week before midnight on a Sunday night. Let us know how recovery is going and how many days you are on. If you ever miss a check in you will be removed from the update list but free to rejoin at any time.

Thirdly, I will update the forum on Monday mornings with a list of all the active members and how many days each of you has accrued. I will run through all the milestones that have been achieved.

Finally, use this thread to develop bonds and work together as a team to make life changing decisions in 2016. There may be times we are tempted or feeling low, if so this is the place to be. Tell the group how you are feeling and I'm sure there will be plenty of advice and support out there. The low times will go and being part of this challenge will allow you to have many more highs than lows, especially as the months go by!

Here is to a gamble free 2017, good luck everyone!

Martin and Deano

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:05 am
Posts: 0

Cheers guys. Bal is in

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi I'm Deano. I'm a compulsive gambaler. I've spent 20 year's of my life chasing the magical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Although a lot of my childhood was spent around gambaling it didn't become a problem for me until I left school. I first entered arcades with a freind at 16. At the time it seemed a simple way to top up on my 29.50 yts money.
This had varying success for maybe the first 2 year's.
When I first got a real job at 18 I found I had more money than I knew what to do with. And that's when my gambaling spiralled out of control. Over the year's I've pushed a sickening amount of money down the throat of a machine. After a successful period away. I spent a year throwing money away on scratchcards. I joined gamcare in 2015 because the life u was living again was unmanageable. I've had some ups and downs over the past year and a bit. But I'm now on the right path. This year I tend to smash through my first year no bets mark.
Hopefully you will all join us on our quest to make 2017 a gamble free one

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:18 am
Posts: 386

I'm in guys....I'm on Day 19 and Mixers 100 day challenge is helping me loads, I'd love to be part of this one too 🙂

M x

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:33 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I first came to the forum in September 2015 and to be honest didn't expect much from it but a long with GA it has changed my life for the better. I'm currently 462 days gamble free, and never believe I would be able to write that sentence but with the help and support from this site along with my willingness to change it is possible.


Posted : 28th December 2016 11:35 am
Posts: 1172

Hi Martin, Deano and all taking on this challenge. I'd like to add my thanks to Gary who ran a great challenge last year that helped me massively.

My thanks now to Martin and Deano for taking up the new challenge thread and I look forward to completing my first year bet free and then onto my first calendar year bet free.

My brief history would be gambling on horse, dogs and sports - football my main downfall. Gambling a little through teens onto my first job at 16 and gambling more particular as I turned 18. Dialed it down a tad as it got slightly out of control but from 21 onwards it really kicked in and the last 5 years I've lost a way more than I can offered and accumulated a lovely amount of debt - thanks gambling!

I started on here 6 years ago. God I wish I quit there and then but since coming back in April of this year I've really changed and I'm now on day 270 and believe that number is only going one way.

Thanks again guys, I wish everyone on here the best of luck and I look forward to taking this journey with you all. Bring on 2017!

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:59 am
Posts: 480

Count me in.

Currently on day 337.

Gambled for nearly 20 years on just about anything I could. Cheated, lied, stolen....I've done it all.

This site along with counselling have played a huge part in me reaching this point.

I wish everyone well.


Posted : 28th December 2016 12:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi everyone id like to join in on this challenge havent gambled since xmas eve. Been a compulsive gambler for over a year, 4 days and counting

Posted : 28th December 2016 1:24 pm
Posts: 0

Bal always up for a challenge.

My gambling became addictive to the point of destruction over the last few years. FOBT was my main vice.

2015 was a bad year in the beginning as my addiction truly took hold of me. In my darkest hours I wanted to stop, to be found out, to be normal. To get rid of this weight that was dragging me down. Suicide was an option. I stood by the railway tracks but couldnt do it.

In April 2015 it finally happened and my gambling sins were uncovered.

The trapdoor opened and i was found out and although the gambling weight was lifted it was replaced by guilt, pity, self loathing, hatred and anger at what I had done and what it had made me.

Recovery began to take shape.

Gamcare counselling helped greatly allowing me to understand things a little better.

Giving up all access to cash and cards for 6 months was a massive help. On the occassions I was given cash I provided receipts and change.

In 2016 my recovery continued and was helped by some fantastic people on this forum. Sometimes i didnt want to listen to what they said. Sometimes i didnt want to accept what was being said. But slowly things began to click and i feel a bit more confident and a lot less of a fraud today.

Deano and KTF - my thanks to you both for taking on this task and the posts and.laughs on FB.

Today is 625 gamble free

Bal x

Posted : 28th December 2016 2:08 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551

Im in, had a whole post typed up but it deleted on me 🙁

212 days gamble free

Cheers for doing the challenge guys!

Posted : 28th December 2016 2:17 pm
Posts: 0

I've been waiting for this. Joined here just over a year ago with mixed results, but have now reached a point where all the blocks are in place, money has been handed over and I'm going to GA. This will bring additional support, and thank you to all who have/are putting in the effort to make this happen. Blue

Posted : 28th December 2016 2:23 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

Massive step for me, count me in.
Currently only on day 7.
Online slots have taken away my sanity.
Trying really hard to sort my finances out, encountering many problems along the way.
Oh to be able to say I've had a gamble free 2017.
Longing for the day I can feel at peace with myself.
Truly want to make myself and you guys proud by being able to log in every week and say I have not gambled.
I must succeed for my own sanity.
I will succeed.

Posted : 28th December 2016 2:45 pm
Posts: 390

Day 1000 for me (feels quite good to write that....)

Thanks so much to Deano and Martin for running this challenge...I've taken a lot from it in the last 18 months or so hope you guys also benefit from it.

As a former admin, can I please ask that everyone does make the effort to check-in weekly? It' does become a little fiddly adding and removing members on a weekly basis.

My story is all too familiar....a progressive fall into compulsive gambling where nothing else mattered but the next bet. I lied, I stole and contemplated self-destruction as a way out. I'd built up horrendous debts and owed money to 14 payday lenders at the time of hitting rock bottom (on top of 5 credit cards, 2 loans, family debt and a huge overdraft). The financial pain was nothing compared to the emotional pain though - the inner hurt became too much and I attended a GA meeting. My life slowly improved and has continued to improve...some days better than others but improving nonetheless.

Here's to a brilliant, GF 2017.

Posted : 28th December 2016 7:01 pm
Nico L
Posts: 23

Nico L here, count me in... on day 12 at the minute but making sure that number increases

Posted : 28th December 2016 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, I'd really like to be included in the 2017 challenge and carry on along my journey of recovery with you all. I'm currently on day 92 of being gf. Online slots was my downfall, casinos and bookies have never interested me. My gambling years totalled approx 5.5 years. Here's to a brill gf 2017 and thank you both for doing this x

Posted : 28th December 2016 11:29 pm
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