Checking in gf. 1009 days.
Checking in gf. 1009 days.
Checking inÂ
Huge shout to dswright1 for passing 1000 days -Â sorry I missed you last week.
Likewise successstory13 for passing 100 days and welshdragon123 for passing 50 days.
Massive well done to each of you.
onlyme - 1359
Samson - 1177
dswright1 - 1008
Neil C. - 989
Johnlostmydo - 498
K2 - 461
bdog - 337
 SuccessStory13 - 109
 Welshdragon123 - 56
Well done to everyone checking in.
Without looking to far ahead, keep working at it in the run up to Xmas and over the New Year.
If you were anything like me, these were always bad times when it came to out of control gambling.
We thank you KS2 for putting the effort in to support and encourage others.
Best Wishes
Forum Admin
checking in
344 GF in my year challenge
Checking in gfÂ
Checking in gf. 1016 days
Checking in gamble free for the week, smashed through the 500 day mark last week, never thought I would get this far. ?
Checking in feel a novice to some of you guys but 21 days GF seeing some of your numbers is giving me inspirationÂ
Well done everyone checking in this week.
Congratulations to Johnlostmydo for smashing the 500 day mark.
onlyme - 1366
Samson - 1184
dswright1 - 1015
Johnlostmydo - 505
K2 - 468
bdog - 344
 Welshdragon123 - 63
Bear40 - 21
A big welcome to Bear40 who is the 96th different person to check in this year.
As we approach end of the year, I am looking for someone to volunteer and take this over for 2020.
I'm pretty sure someone different has run it each year and it can play an important part of your recovery.
All it takes is a commitment to post an update once a week. It probably takes no more than 10 minutes.
It has helped me particularly in recent weeks when I haven't felt the inclination to engage much with the site otherwise. It's kept me coming back - and I know that is a good thing.
350 days GF
Dear @bdog ,
Congratulations on this achievement. You should be feeling very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work and please keep posting your progress on the Forum. Well done.
All the very best.
Forum Admin.
28 days GF feeling stronger each week and look forward to posting in here on a Sunday with another 7 days come on well done bdog great achievement keep it goingÂ
Affected by gambling?
Looking for support?
We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.