Advice on coming clean...again

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Hi all,

I've been here before, done really well, and then fallen off again!

Long story short:-

Been gambling 18 years

Had almost a year clean 2 years ago

Had some help from family repaying a huge debt

Slipped up over the past 12 months, in and out of betting, smallish amounts compared to my past. But now all the small ones have mounted up and I find myself in a big anxious ball looking for ways to gamble myself out of trouble.

Dangerous place to be.

I need to tell my wife, as she will find out soon enough anyway as I've gambled on her credit card and also on my phone bill which will come out in a couple of weeks.

She'll probably be angry but will forgive and help me.

The money isn't too bad, certainly something I can afford to repay in a month or two. My main problem is my wife is in the early stages of pregancy, a good enough reason to quit in itself. Which I think will really help.

I'm worried that telling my wife might upset the pregancy so I'm in difficult position was to do.

My main thoughts are just to seek help in the next couple of weeks until she finds out, then she'll be further down the line with the pregancy also and able to take the stress a bit easier.

I really want to tell her now, my anxiety has shot through the roof.

None of the debts are particulary critical so I'm not sure there is a rush to tell her so might have to keep it inside for as long as possible

Posted : 4th April 2017 10:37 am
Posts: 1831

Hi last..
And welcome. ..congratulations on the baby news...
My opinion ...for what it's worth would be to get a plan in place..
Sort out blocks to stop you gambling...
Work out a budget to repay debts
Call the helpline for advise...and arrange counselling...
And to tell your wife...showing her your efforts in seeking help
I understand your concerns about early pregnancy etc. .you don't want to worry her etc..but like you said soon as those bills got the door mat. ..she's going to know....and personally I think ...sitting her down and telling her is much kinder to get and baby than the shock of openig what she thinks will be a routine bill...
Yes....I'm sure your scared of her reaction....all is addicts in here have said the included....but the advise is always to own up....sorry if this isn't what you wanted to's just my opinion and I wish you well

Posted : 4th April 2017 10:52 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Loxxie, I think you are right.

I'm going to try and get it over and done with today!

Always the hardest step coming clean, that and staying on the straight and narrow!

Posted : 4th April 2017 11:14 am
Posts: 1831's the hardest part love..
But if....we're going to move on and fight out addictions we have to do this...
Show her the steps you've taken today....and I hope it goes as well as it can....she can get support from here as well if she wants..
Keep using here for support. Good luck love

Posted : 4th April 2017 11:24 am
Posts: 0
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Quick status update cause it's good to share!

I told the wife straight away and got it out there. Took a weight off my shoulders and a real reason to quit (again)

A month in and no strong urges.

Cancelled a few accounts. Set up plans for my debts and feel a lot better.

Off to the doctors next week, never really had any luck with getting anything from them but worth persevering I think.

Suns back and I've started playing golf which will hopefully take my mind off things and give me a little bit of excercise

Posted : 3rd May 2017 1:57 pm

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