Fed up

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Has anyone that's a regular on here found that it's harder to seek support after a relapse ? 

I frustrated and drained..I relapsed badly and was getting support from counselling through gamcare before but had a hard time and relapsed then stopped my counselling for a couple of reasons. 

I now realise I need the help to stop again I know about all the basics the blocks etc. I wanted to continue counselling sessions but I wanted gamcare to communicate with them first for me about part I struggle with as I feel unable to discuss myself so have just not had any sessions.

I phoned gamcare this morning and the advisor said he would get get someone to contact me this afternoon to discuss it further which is fair enough . Then this evening I get an email saying noone will phone me I am to phone the helpline ?? I am confused and feel passed from pillar to post. 

Feel so deflated when its took the effort to ask. I tried phoning helpline again but then advised to either email it which I dont want to as it can be misread and you cant explain how u mean it..or for them to take messages to pass to other it's just all complicated i dont understand why that couldnt have just happened this morning.

I feel like because I'm well known to gamcare now I am not getting the support I need for my relapse I dont want to just ring he helpline for a chat I want more constructive help which I just need someone to communicate with counsellor for me to continue.

I'm fed up I dont understand why an advisor would tell u they need someone else to ring u but then the person saying you should ring the helpline. 

I just feel so low and unsupported I want and need help

Posted : 17th July 2020 5:25 pm
Posts: 848
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I dont know what to do anymore I started off optimistic to get help today now just feel pushed away...emotional..

Gone back to gambling it's not licensed so there isnt blocks for this type I have no family/ friends to support I live alone ..the only thing I have right now is gambling but its killing me

Posted : 17th July 2020 6:40 pm
Posts: 882

The fact that you're on here asking for help is a sign that you want it.

When I relapsed in the past and never returned to my GA meetings, I couldn't do anything about it until I had nothing left. I don't mean just no money, I mean nothing again. Job, home, all of it.

The fact that you can ask for help, despite not getting the help you want straight away or easily, is a good sign.

Don't give up too easily. There's a chance that you wouldn't have spoken to an external counsellor anyway without an appointment so why not talk to one of the Gamcare advisers? That addict will always try and convince you that it's too much like hard work or you'll do it tomorrow, just find a betting site instead.

I know it's easier said than done but you have to fight this, really fight it, and even if you couldn't speak to whomever you wanted you could have done something to take the power out of the urge. Maybe switch banks to one with a gambling blocking facility?

Good luck.



Posted : 17th July 2020 8:02 pm
Posts: 848
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Hi chris is not licensed gambling so the bank wont be able to block its complicated. I did ring gamcare advisor on helpline this morning but they said they would get someone to phone me that could help speaking to the counselling service they said they speak to there senior but then I got an email saying they wont phone me and  to ring the helpline..advisors should help just frustrating im already under ccounselling service it's just on hold I just wanted a bit of support contacting them about something. But I gave up and just went back to gambling..I've emailed someone else to see if they will help but probably wont hear till next week ?


This post was modified 5 years ago by Loux
Posted : 17th July 2020 10:31 pm
Posts: 848
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Woke up ready to change today... ended feeling stuck..hopeless and gambling. 

I'm gambling so much at night I dont sleep..soon as I wake I think about it.. even at work..its draining financially, emotionally and I feel so alone dealing with it all. I've been snappy, tearful and irritable at work because of the lack of sleep because I struggle to stop at night. It's not as easy to stop this time as it was the first...first time I lost everything got the blocks and debt plan that was that.

Posted : 17th July 2020 10:42 pm
Posts: 848
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I'm worrying now dont know what to do..

Sineone through gambling is saying I owe them money coz they accidently sent money twiceI checked and screenshotted my bank to prove they hadn't but there adamant 🙁

Also feel a bit scammed but trapped 

Posted : 17th July 2020 11:54 pm
Posts: 2

I really feel for you, and totally understand how alone you feel. Even if you have close family and friends sometimes you can't talk to them about gambling.  Keep  on trying with the support, you have given up once. I'm new on here and have had a gambling addiction for years, I only asked for help yesterday and I know its going to be a hard hard struggle to stop completely.  Hope your ok? 


Posted : 18th July 2020 10:16 am
Posts: 848
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Thanks for messages..

Today I didnt even realise I was doing it woke up and automatically on gambling sites ..managed sort out money from that person. But I'm still wound up about trying g to get support yesterday feel so tearful and unsupported.

I dont feel able to contact the helpline or netline after yesterday I've put a complaint in so hopefully they can look into it 

I wish there was a different gambling company I could ring for support  today :'( .I didnt even realise how much money spending and hours.. apparently I'm the person as highest gambler on their page that just makes me feel ashamed but when your trying to deal with it alone it's tough :'(

Posted : 18th July 2020 11:06 am
Posts: 882

My understanding is that bank gambling blocks stop all gambling transactions, U.K., foreign, betting shop, all of it and then you give notice to turn them back on again.

I hope you find the help you are looking for.



Posted : 18th July 2020 12:33 pm
Posts: 848
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Probably gonna get banned now as I sweared at mod in chat..didnt mean it personal I know it was out of order I'm just drained and sick of being told to call the helpline then the helpline telling me about speaking to senior I just wanted help its turning me into a horrible person. I'm so sorry I just at wits end and wanted help..its made me turn into a horrible person so just wanna say before I'm banned sorry to anyone in chat I'm really sorry just didnt feel listened to by mod but I know I was out of order



This post was modified 5 years ago by Loux
Posted : 18th July 2020 1:02 pm
Posts: 848
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Posted by: Stace?

Oh Lou ?


Posted : 18th July 2020 1:07 pm
Posts: 848
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Gambling turning me into a vile person I cant stop I'm irritable upset all time constantly hours on end on site I've finally blown my lid..just wanted support without being passed around 

I've applogied by email for swearing but I just a failure 

Posted : 18th July 2020 1:11 pm
Posts: 848
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Posted by: Stace?

Lou I get your frustration. I understand completely how your feeling. It was clear you were very frustrated in chat, and doesn't seem like you've been listened to. I hope you don't get banned as it's clear you need help and support and banning you will only push you into a much darker place. Get on the helpline and try again for support. You really could do with the counselling now.

And don't apologize to me, no need at all, I get it x

Thanks well I've not heard anything since then so I guess I'm not banned.. I feel like I'm battling this alone I'm such a mess right now hours and hours gambling ...lack support just making it increase and increase I've been crying out for help .I'm too drained to ask anymore  

Posted : 18th July 2020 2:28 pm
Posts: 848
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Just so much anger so much pain I just cant take it...I've emailed complaints department hopefully someone next week will phone me and help ..I only want someone to speak to my counselling service helpline yesterday said someone else call me back .. but they didnt then I was  told ring helpline I just cant call helpline again today coz I'm so wound up and upset..I'll see if anyone calls me next week if not then I'm just done :'(

This post was modified 5 years ago by Loux
Posted : 18th July 2020 2:40 pm
Posts: 848
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Why is it causing me so much stress all unwanted was help..I was trying to do something positive but now I just really cant take no more I feel worthless

This post was modified 5 years ago by Loux
Posted : 18th July 2020 2:43 pm
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