I’ve been battling since lockdown self excluded as many sites as possible. My wife’s card is now locked in a tin, I blocked my mobile data from accessing these sites and I put same on wi-fi. I kept asking her for password so it’s now in a tin. I feel so desperate now I may have to put that password in the loft! The more I block now I feel more desperate bigger stakes and feeling the need to rush down and use the supermarket wi-if to beat the block. I am a bit worried as I have went at most 3 weeks without playing slot machines. Felt fine then felt desperate for money again and found a way to get back into it. Any tips?Â
Have u used gamstop if u sign up it auto self excludes from all betting. I did it for longest time of 5 or 6 years. As time goes on i barely think of online betting.
When u get the urge do something else. Set a task and do it. Betting is bad enough but trying to fit it in short time and high stakes ends off disasterous. I had a bad day on sunday and irs drove me mad dont do a me and spend the run up to xmas stressing out
All these years i never even thought of that. What a fab idea
my partner had taken the 3 digits of the back of our cards ad when we need to order something he does it for me, a pain i know but i cant use the cards for any other reason now but i can still use them to do the shopping and thingsÂ
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