Hi all I have not been on Gamcare for a while now but guess what I had a relapse last friday.
I went over one year with out a single gamble, but last friday i let myself and my family down.
when i gambled last week it was not a large amount of money but to me it almost made me feel like I cheated on my wife that is how bad i felt.
After I gambled i am pretty sure this was a wake up call for me because to me the gambling had been itching away at me for a short period before it happened.
Over the last year I was getting counselling from breakeven and they were amazing they talked through my feelings on how i was coping with my compulsion and how to avoid situations where i would be vulnerable.
I am going to get in touch with them again and go back to basics.
Over a year with support was the longest time i had not gambled in 22 years.
Life had been amazing with out gambling it almost felt weird having money again.
I am not going to allow this addiction to control me tomorrow is another day.
Its a learning curve we all make mistakes .
After all we are only human.
   Stay Safe
Don't be too hard on yourself. You see what has been done and are willing to make the necessary changes to regroup and rebuild. You can do it. Stay positive. I wish you all the best.
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