"Health and gambling harms...."

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Hi everyone,

Welcome to the weekly topic! This week’s topic is “health”.

Health may be something that impacts your experience of gambling harms….

Have you noticed that the gambling harms have included an impact on your health?

Or maybe, that health issues may lead to increased gambling?


The relationship can feel like a cycle where gambling impacts health and health impacts gambling, so here is a space for you to consider whether this is a part of your own story.

We welcome you to share your reflections below.

*Want to chat more? We run chatrooms every week! Check the chatroom times here: https://community.gamcare.org.uk/chatrooms/*


All the best,


Online Peer Support Team 

Posted : 3rd June 2024 8:28 am
Posts: 477


What is health? This could be different for everyone! For me, it is the following:

Eating and drinking all the things I like BUT, in moderation.

Having a calm mind.

Being at peace with myself and with others.

Getting enough sleep.

Taking a walk every day.

Meeting up with people.

Taking some time to enjoy life.

Achieving my goals.

Rewarding/treating myself and others.

All of the above can be achieved when I am not gambling. 👌.

Take care of your health everyone- life is precious so be kind to yourself.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.


Posted : 3rd June 2024 10:55 am
Posts: 457

When I was gambling I found I was drinking more. It went hand in hand. I would always have a glass of wine when gambling and winning or losing I would drink more. This dropped my inhibitions resulting in larger loses and no chance of taking winnings. 

My mental health was also a disaster. I was constantly stressed, slept terribly, and was physically drained all of the time.

I’m over 2 months gamble free now, I drink much less, I go to bed at normal times. Due to other factors outside gambling in my life I did suffer from quitting. I ate much less, I lost 2 stone in 6 weeks due to hardly eating, but once I’d come clean and quit gambling I slept much better, felt more mentally stable and started enjoying daily life. 

Gambling affects health in so many ways. Unfortunately when you are in the grips of an addiction you don’t realise this. You think 2 hours sleep is normal, you think a daily hangover is normal. It’s only when you quit you realise the impact it has on your physical and mental health. 

Here’s to a healthier, happier life 💪

Posted : 3rd June 2024 2:42 pm
Posts: 285

My health and gambling...

I drank more alcohol and on a nightly basis to deal with the stress that gambling caused.  This had a knock on effect to having poor quality sleep.

Gambling also stopped me sleeping directly.  I would be spinning away until the small hours having to be up at 6am.

The effect this had on my health with high BP, carrying a bit too much weight, lack of focus, anxiety, headaches, acid because of the drinking and stress and general poor mental health.

Posted : 3rd June 2024 6:37 pm
Posts: 10

At one point I felt I was very ill had pains everywhere,  heart palpitations etc. General aches and pains everywhere . Went to doctor who said I had severe stress. It was all related to gambling.  Now I've stopped I feel great but still have some health issues like anxiety etc . But I feel I stay clean my health going to improve majorly.  To be truthful it was bad heath that's made me quit for good 

Posted : 3rd June 2024 8:20 pm
Peer Supporter Patsy
Posts: 87

Health and gambling harm.....

Two separate thoughts........

My son who gambled for 9 years . Physical and mental health plummeted as the harm took hold. The mental health decline that is less visible to the outside world and is so much more painful to deal with alone. Lack of sleep, poor diet and terrible levels of stress that caused stomach issues. Deep depression with constant suicide idealation


Myself...... mother of son.

Lack of sleep, lack of appetite and a level of stress that just stunts normal life. Worry and stress just causes general sense of poor mental and physical health.


I applaud everyone on here being so open and honest and making a great sense of mutual community. You are all doing so well.  I also agree with Wierdfish that you do not know how unwell you were until you reflect back.

Keep talking and stay strong and well.



Posted : 4th June 2024 8:00 pm
Posts: 1

My gambling started when a friend told me her partner won xxxx. I played a fiver. I won xxxx. That was it. I already had some debts. I gambled for around a year and a half hid it from everyone. I got a rare cancer and stopped. Last week was mega depressed so after two And a half years gambling clear I started again. I think the reality of two cancer surgeries, daily pain and poor quality of life just got to me. I just signed up for GamStop . I'm a single mom on benefits, I can't afford it. It's an evil thing 

This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by Forum admin
Posted : 9th June 2024 11:39 pm

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