I'm drowning in debt and the mess I've created

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I hate myself so much of the time. I was doing so well over 220 days gamble free, then I spectacularly fell off the wagon and ended up in this prolific mess I'm in now. My debts have risen from 25k to 45 or there abouts. I've a series of payday loans that mean I'm constantly juggling repaying some to take out more money and adding new ones. I went on an expensive holiday in the summer and came across properly broke but since I've still managed to gamble and squander away just under £3k. It's utterly insane. I'm always drunk when I end up gambling what I haven't got and I can't afford and persuading my fiancГ© to join me so he too ends up losing money he hasn't got. We're both in a mess working like crazy to put the damage right.... I'm so sick of this life of debt and misery and I've no idea when or where it's gonna end. I don't trust myself one per cent. It's an absolute joke. How can I abstain from this horrendous gambling illness that's killing me.

Posted : 30th September 2017 10:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mladina :)).

Wow , that is certainly a chunk of debt youv'e accumalated and I'm not in a position to advise on the best way forward but the only thing I can say is that just abstaining is a start but I think you need to look at making changes to your life so that Gambling gets pushed out completely , you did 220 day's already which is no mean feat so take some comfort in the fact that you can do it.

They alway's say that giving up is the easy bit , it's staying stopped that's the problem :(( I've just past the 2 yr mark but I know full well that one more bet would take me right back to that cycle of destruction we end up in , I'm never gonna be cured but If I don't make that first bet the second won't happen , I've had to make some huge changes to my way of thinking and my life to ensure it stays this way and the biggest piece of advice I could give you is to just admit that gamblings beat you once and for all , allow it to win , allow it to have taken the money and don't go back looking for revenge , as hard as it is to turn your back on your losses I beleive it's the only way to move on , accept you have a debt that will have to be repaid through hard work and don't go looking for the quick fix solution of gambling agin , which after all is why we end up with a bucket load of problem's in front of us in the first place .

My life's not perfect and I still have a lump of debt to pay off but I'm chipping away at it monthly and at least it goes down now instead of up but life get's better every day .

If you want change in your life then take it , face up to the problems that lay in front of you in order of priority one day at a time , it will take a while to sort things but then again all of our gambling didn't take place in one day did it ? .

Don't beat yourself up too much , what's done is done and it now becomes about moving forward :))

I'm sure we'll talk again but until then I wish you well

Alan xx

Posted : 30th September 2017 11:32 am
Posts: 0

Excellent advice from Alan. I have also amassed huge amounts of debt and continusly chased losses . A cycle that took approximately 7 years to break. I have now accepted that gambling has beaten me and I'm never going to beat it. That was 44 days ago and I have'nt gambled since. If i can do this than anyone can. You've already gone over 220 days in the past so I'm sure you can again. Change of mindset and time-money-location scenario would be a great start.

Posted : 30th September 2017 8:05 pm
Posts: 0

Excellent advice from Alan.

Posted : 30th September 2017 9:51 pm
Posts: 0

ALAN 135

Have read a few of your posts on here as I have browsed the forum. Your advice is great.

Take care Mladina. I had a massive relapse lately after 4 years gamble free. I am now entering a debt management plan with Payplan.

Will take 10 years to sort a few weeks of madness but my head is clearing now and I will be a much better person for being gamble free.

Posted : 11th October 2017 5:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mark...I have just spoken to pay plan about entering in to a joint IVA with my husband. They have been very helpful so far and hoping my creditors accept. I have been GF for 351 days now and just need to get the debts sorted so I can finally move forward. I thought that I could chip away at the debts myself but they are just not moving with everyday bills and 2 kids. It's been a weight off ,my mind to finally admit I need help with them. And another advantage is that all the credit cards get frozen so all i will have is my debit card! Good luck everyone xxx

Posted : 18th October 2017 11:34 am
Posts: 0
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Hey everyone,
Thanks so much for your replies and support. I'm 24 days gamble free now. It's amazing how opportunities to work towards sorting out my debt mess present themselves once I stop gambling. In another way I've had a series of unforseen problems and expenses arise. It's all so costly and worrying and has come all at once in a very bad time.......I'm going to stay on the straight and narrow and hopefully overcome the many issues I've created for myself that I've got to face in order to get to the other side.

Posted : 21st October 2017 6:35 am

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