It has been almost a year…

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Posts: 161
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On the 30th March, it would be a year to the day my husband found out about my gambling. Back then I was so relieved it happened,  a massive weight off my shoulders and a chance of a fresh start. I could finally breathe again. 

But what have I done? Relapsed more times than I can even remember and no better off with the debt I racked up!

I feel so miserable that I’ve let this awful illness take another year from me! 

Feeling sorry for myself yet again…?



Posted : 16th March 2023 12:23 am
Posts: 339

We get knocked down and we pick ourselves up again. The first 5 years of trying to stop with GA meetings and taking it seriously and actively trying to stop helped a lot for me. 

You just gotta keep fighting and wanting that mental free space where gambling is not on you're mind 24/7 and keep looking for support while also try helping others.

Are recovery journeys are not easy that's for sure but you can do this! We all get bumps in the road just dont let go and fall into the gambling void of despair.



Posted : 16th March 2023 1:30 am
Posts: 1863


The recovery program is about nurturing and encouraging healthy habits and healthy interactions.

Feeling guilty ashamed isolated angry we are not healing a our paisn and moving on from teh paisn in our life.

Recovery for me is about healing the hurt inner child in me.

We are supposed to learn from the pains of our past yet not live in them any more.

By living for today only is the most important factour in our recovery.

Healing our pains is very important.

Facing and reducing our fears is very important.

To each day write down our needs is very important.

To each day write down our wants is very important.

To each day write down our goals is very important.

All the time we move from procrastination we are able to become more self sufficient in our self.

Being healthy and active keeps us focused on healthy habits.

Dave L

Posted : 18th March 2023 8:22 pm

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