Mentally cant get over my huge gambling losses

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Spruce how are u bud? Have u gambled since. It’s a never ending cycle man no matter how much ur up u want more and when we lose we chase. Anyone still on here?

Posted : 30th August 2018 3:32 am
Posts: 1

@seasoned I'm in the same position as you. Thanks for your post. I have finally realised that even though "Gambling" appears to be a "Quick Fix" to recover your losses, the game of a chance, is just too much risk that sets' you back too many years. Therefore, the cost/benefit of this strategy is too high to take. Time for me to accept my losses and move on.

Posted : 18th April 2022 2:57 am
Posts: 863

Hi Sprucemonz

Read as many posts as you can on here. You have a fiance who you could have taken on an expensive trip and still have some savings too. Some folk right now don't know how they're gonna eat or pay the rent until the next payday. Think not of what you could have had, but what you still have. It ain't about money any more when the gambling dens have taken your soul. Stop now because you can quite easily reach the point of no return before you know it.

Best Wishes


Posted : 18th April 2022 10:38 pm
Posts: 84
Posted by: @slowlearner

Hi Sprucemonz

Read as many posts as you can on here. You have a fiance who you could have taken on an expensive trip and still have some savings too. Some folk right now don't know how they're gonna eat or pay the rent until the next payday. Think not of what you could have had, but what you still have. It ain't about money any more when the gambling dens have taken your soul. Stop now because you can quite easily reach the point of no return before you know it.

Best Wishes


Quite rightly said. Think about what you still have and it is not about money here. It’s about salvaging all what you have before it is too late. In my last compulsive streak of gambling 7 months ago, I was losing my soul and it was like torture. I had to stop and focus on my family, house and my precious belongings before that too, would disappear. The gambling ghosts don’t ever leave, i’m forever haunted by the trauma and money that was lost. However; I can sleep, wake up and focus on my daily chores/work with no stress compared to when I used to gamble. That to me, is everything.

Posted : 19th April 2022 3:54 pm
Posts: 5

Don't know if it's worth reigniting this. But it's helped me after my recent loss. I had a life changing gambling occurrence in 2017 and it was all out there when I got found out. Parents knew and bailed me. Wife knew and stayed with me with full access to my money and I was recovering £5 a day budget and GA every week. I loved GA it was so free to talk so raw, things I cant/won't say to wife. I was dojng well out of debt and living clean wife stopped checking accounts and I had gamcare to fall back on if ever tempted. Here's the problem I moved home. New mobile number too. Over 5 years passed now so all my blocks expired, I had my own money saved ring fenced from Mrs allowed me to enjoy life again. Bought nice lunches, technology etc. I had alot spare and since moving I haven't been GA as its further away I realise now writing this I'm making excuses. Anyway I was able to sign up again as the gamcare credentials were not updated.

It was the usual story made money £1500. And I needed a bit more to make my account £10k. That little bit more cost me £6k and I was distraught I blocked myself before I lost my remaining £300 where I wud be back to £5 a day and jacket potatoes for lunch.

I hate myself I instantly blocked myself again and updated gamcare so I can't gamble online again. I'm not gonna tell Mrs I told certain friends and brother. That few K was mine and I blew it took my two years of side hustles and graft and I blew it cus u was bored, cocky greedy all things GA taught me about and I forgot. That gamble devil never goes they used to say. I'm in mourning essentially of that money I could have enjoyed the next few years and not worry go out with mates and not worry about the bill. Little things. I now have to knuckle down and concentrate on myself. I have a phone call with a counsellor in two weeks following my call to gamcare as I was so distraught I needed to release to someone. I need a deep dive into why I can't let go and why I keep doing/thinking gambling and chasing, getting money and status. Feel down reminds me of a broken heart. Such a shame. 

Sorry for the waffle needed to write something. Just for today I will not gamble. 

Posted : 1st April 2023 4:19 pm
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