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So I have my last coucilling session tomorrow with ARA, and Im just sat here taking some time too reflect on my journey and the rollercoaster ride I've been on in the past 9 months, its been such a challenging time and one hell of a battle which I continue too fight. After all together 16weeks of counseling, and having support from gamcare the group chats etc I wouldn't be where I am now, Even though I know this is something that will continue too be a battle, I'm just feeling thankful right now for the help I've received, I certainly would of been still gambling, getting myself deeper and deeper and drowning. I've had too learn alot of different things through all this, admitting I have a addiction, acceptance, battling with guilt, setting myself up too fail with unrealistic expectations of myself, self companion, facing telling my parents, reaching out for more support, battling with fear of stopping and finally putting blocks in place, too relaspe after a month too now 22 days without gambling again. Ive been at some of my lowest points through all this, struggling too cope, too suicidal thoughts etc. I know this is a working progress and a battle I still have too deal with everyday,  but at this moment in time, I feel like I've come so far, and faced up too my addiction head on and worked so hard too try and get my life back on track. So 22 days doesn't sound alot but right now I'm proud of that. 

Take time too reflect and see the bigger picture of what you have had too face and in that you might find some compassion for yourself that you would give too someone else without a thought. Sometimes we get stuck in the moment and give ourselves a hard time for not being where we want or slipping up. However in reality its the times we have got through that we should keep in our minds, not what we see as negatives but the positives of getting through another day of giving our everything too be better. That's what we should focus on because we all fall but its what we do next that is what matters. 

Take care everyone x

Posted : 11th May 2021 11:01 pm
Posts: 368

This reflection is some thing I hadn’t thought of before in this context above, I 100% agree it is a continued battle each day. Some times it’s how we get back on are feet to fight again than to dwell in the craziness of the addiction.

I hope you continue your fight and post regularly walks15

keep up the good fight



Posted : 12th May 2021 4:23 am
Posts: 22

Well done! 
 If it was all rainbows and butterflies we’d all do it Easily. Battling with your own mind is the hard part.

Keep it up, you’ve got this. X

Posted : 12th May 2021 10:12 am
Posts: 38
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Exactly my point, sometimes we have too look at the bigger picture too see how far we have come, I hope this post has got you thinking about that and give yourself some credit of the battlea you face, its not an end destination its a journey we have too ride.

I will certainly do my best too keep up the good fight, take care

Kind regards 


Posted : 12th May 2021 11:09 am
Posts: 38
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Thank you so much I appreciate the support. The biggest battles we face in life is our own minds. Take each day as it comes and do the best you can do on the day.

Take care X

Posted : 12th May 2021 11:12 am
Posts: 2

We are human, you may have set backs but the fact that you are here and trying says so much.  22 days GF!!! Well done, be positive about that! Get to 30..... 40 and more.

Im on day 3 of my journey and day 1 GF, I'll be so happy if, sorry, when I get to 22.

Taking time out to reflect is a great idea, its important that everyone looks at where they have come from.

Good luck and stay strong mate

Posted : 12th May 2021 8:11 pm
Posts: 368

Also some times I might add it’s worth reflecting on the people around us that we may of hurt and trying to make amends for some of the pain we may of coursed them. I myself think about that a lot. 

Posted : 13th May 2021 4:24 am

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