Relapse after relapse and the illogical mind of a gambling addict

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Hey everone, so I got paid on Friday at midnight and after paying all my priority bills I thought that I would have a gamble with £150. After all, i'm finally debt free after years and years of suffering I thought i'd be able to control myself. So a couple of hours and some decent bonus wins later I was up to £1,750. I thought to myself; fantastic, i'll withdraw £1,500 and play with £250. I'd still be up by £1,350! But I thought there's no point withdrawing it yet as withdrawals on this site are not processed until Sunday night, I just told myself dont go below £1500 and went to bed happy thinking that I could actually buy a car and drive for the first time in years, as well as paying off all the insurance with the winnings. I haven't been driving due to my previous debts from my gambling addiction. Friday was my day off work so I uncontrollably and stupidly decided to have another gamble again telling myself not to go below £1500. After little fluctuations up and down I started losing and found myself at the £1500 mark I told myself not to go below. My addictive mind kicked in and took over and thought i'd try and win back some of the £250 I had just lost even though it was all still winnings anyway. This is where the illogical bit comes in. I got back up to £1,740, just £10 off what I had won in the first place. I decided to just win back that £10 and then i'll stop. However, in trying to win back a measly and meaningless £10, in a moment of madness, I lost the whole lot! Why? How many more times will I and other gambling addicts make the same stupid mistakes? It just doesn't make sense. £10 in nothing and so insignificant compared to what I had won. What is wrong with our brains? Like I said, that money could have enabled my to start driving again and although i'm in a far better situation now then I have been over the past 10 years, this has really knocked me down again. Just when I thought I was starting to find myself again. I just hope I don't get out a payday loan or do anything stupid. I feel like I need to make myself suffer now for being so stupid! Thanks for reading.

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Posted : 2nd June 2018 1:46 am
Posts: 4

Sfc, I know the feeling. Worked 20 pounds up to £2000 and thought "this time I won't blow it." That lasted for 6 days. Yesterday I blew 1500 of it. Kept telling myself I'll get lucky. Think I've done this 4 times in the last 2 months alone. Not to mention the years that have passed.

I think we just need to learn to accept that the money is gone. It's unlikely that we'll win it back.

We can go through that together because I'm terrible at that!

Just got to be glad that I've still got £500 and that I must not gamble that away.

I'm happy for you that you are out of debt. As with many on the site that is many years away for me yet!

Take it on the chin. Walk away. Gamban helps, unfortunately it doesn't work on Chromebook... I have one of those.

Keep strong.

Posted : 2nd June 2018 7:58 am

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